text au

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okay hi it's something that I wrote while i was bored without WiFi:) please enjoy. leave a comment, follow me, vote on this book; whatever or none i dont mind either way :) thank u for sticking with this book even though it probably sucks im sorry and I take forever to update. ok please enjoy!! ('。• ᵕ •。')

Lance texts the wrong number au and it just happens to be Keith.

20:00 From: *** **** ***
hey. twas a great date ;) hope we can meet again love <33

7:30 To: *** **** ***
You have the wrong number. Sorry /:

9:00 From: *** **** ***
legasp!!!!!!!!!!! asddnxkd onoo how could she T^T

9:00 From: *** **** ***
but maybe god has given me the number of a rlly rlly cute girl ????? ( '∀`)ノ~ ♡

9:03 To: *** **** ***
I'm a guy.

9:04 From: *** **** ***
oOOoo e x ci ting

9:05 To: *** **** ***
Please do not text me.

9:06 From: *** **** ***
okay :ccc

23:00 From: *** **** ***
ok i know u told me not to text u but im so b o red and hearTBROK en whY would minteletta give me a fake number T^T

23:00 From: *** **** ***
like she couLd at least tell me up front like dude lance i dont u that way mby we can still b friends ??

23:00 From: *** **** ***
but like nOOoO she just HaD to lead me on what a bitch :<

23:01 From: *** **** ***
oops i forgot u could probably be ten or smth **what a nincompoop

23:05 From: *** **** ***
sorry this sounds rlly weird lmao goodnight !

8:30 To: *** **** ***
Your name's Lance?

8:30 To: *** **** ***
Also if her name is Minteletta you should be grateful not seeing her again.

8:31 From: *** **** ***
shit lmao my mama warned me about stranger but yea thats my name :)

8:31 From: *** **** ***
ok tru minteletta sounds like she cries having sex

8:31 To: *** **** ***
That's a nice name.

8:31 From: *** **** ***
maybe. i ve always wanted to be named smth cool u know like an stiles. that sounds cool or mby a derek

8:32 To: *** **** ***
That's Teen Wolf. But yeah, those are cool names. I would want those too.

8:34 From: *** **** ***
u watch teen wolf ?? for the action or for the gay

8:35 To: *** **** ***
No I don't. But I see a lot of Derek and Stiles on my tumblr feed.

8:36 From: *** **** ***
ok u have tumblr then u should probablu be like around my age

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora