soulmate au-1

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soulmate au where if one draws something on his body, the other will also get the same drawing on the same place, but only temporary.

"What do hell do you mean by you want to kill your soulmate?" Matt says.

"Language, Matt," Shiro's voice comes from the kitchen, followed by soft sounds of chopping.

"Yeah, Keith. What the fuck?" Pidge says, grinning when she hears an exasperated sigh from the older man.

Keith drops his head backwards, groaning out loud. They're all lounging out in Shiro's house; Keith sitting on a sofa and Matt and Pidge sitting together in a bigger one.

"No, you guys don't understand! My soulmate's a fucking dickhead!" Keith says.

Pidge lifts her glasses up, "One," she says skeptically, "You've said that for the 5th time right now. And second." She sits back. "How the fuck do you know your soulmate's gender? Except maybe if you're an idiot who calls girls dicks."

Matt snorts and Keith glares at both of them. Seriously, siblings irritate him. But annoying siblings that bully him together makes him wish he can just crawl under a pile of trash.

"Because," Keith seethes, closing his eyes for a moment, "He fucking draws this."

He lifts his sleeve, and shows the 20 tiny dicks drawn on his arm.

Pidge gasps, but it almost sounds gleeful. "Your soulmate...." Then she bursts into laughter. She laughs so hard that Matt begins to laugh along with her, both holding their stomach as tears come rolling down their -almost painful- faces.

"Shut up." Keith mumbles, looking away in both annoyance and embarrassment. If he'd knew they would laugh at him like this, he would have not told them about....about his soulmate issue.

Going to the bar wanting to get laid with 20 dicks on his arm doesn't sound compatible, the more Keith thinks about it. But oh well, too late now cause he's already in the most popular bar, ordering another shot of vodka. How much shots he's done, he lost count. Getting laid sober is the  the last thing he needs right now.

Of course, Keith's not dumb. The bar is dimly-litted, but still bright enough nonetheless. So he's not wearing his usual black shirt and switches to a more coverage of grey sweater and simple, black ripped jeans.

He watches the dancing crowd with half interest. The girl with skirt so short that her flat ass is basically for all eyes whenever she bends over. The guy whose eyes are creepily lingering on a bunch of sorority girls. And the lesbian couple who's shoving each other's tongues down their throats.

Jesus, Keith thinks as he looks away.

When he titls his shot to drink, the familiar burning sensation isn't there and then he realizes that the glass is empty.

He's about to order another one when he sees a male standing beside him from the corner of his eye.

"Give me a sparking lemon, José!"

Turning his head to that weirdly sexy, sweet voice, Keith finds himself grinning like an idiot when the male is actually quite cute.

And when the said male meets his staring eyes and fucking smiles until Keith can see his cute dimples, he can't help but think, Not quite. Very cute.

"Hey. I'm Lance," the boy- Lance, introduces himself, offering his hand to Keith.

Keith looks at the hand. Shit why does it look so big and nice? He has perfect hands, perfect face, perfect smile, he's probably perfect in the bed too.

Taking his hand in his, Keith's finds himself melting when Lance smiles even wider, eyes almost disappearing under those long eyelashes.

His tongue feels scratchy as he chokes out a soft, "Keith." And he swallows dryly when Lance repeats after him, his name rolling deliciously smooth out of his mouth.

Maybe it's the alcohol but Keith finds himself being dragged onto the dance floor by this beautiful boy even after refusing a few times.

The music ringing loudly around him deafens down into a numb throb against his ears when Lance pulls him closer, wrapping his long arms around Keith's waist and moving to the slow beat.

Keith sighs and lets himself close his eyes as he tries to follow the other's fluid movements. He can feel the beat from the music through his feet matching his rapid heartbeat.

A warm sensation from his forehead makes him realize that he's leaning it against Lance's shoulder. It's embarrassing really, cause Keith can't contain the dopey grin on his face. That's totally the alcohol.

hihihihihihihi I'm sorry it's short but there's a part 2 I swear. I cut it into 2 because part 2 is all sexy time ;)

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