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Rated: T I guess?

Lance notices the weird vibe Keith's been letting out. He's pretty sure everyone notices it to, but either because they think Keith is already weird so this is probably part of his bizarre personality or that they're too busy to give a shit about it.

Whenever they cuddle, Keith loves to be the small spoon. "It makes me, I guess," he says. Lance thinks it's adorable.

The moment when Keith literally pushed away the arms that were about to envelope him last two nights ago confuses Lance. Keith loves being the small spoon. Keith spoons him instead that night, and Lance stopped thinking about it. They can switch roles. This is what a relationship is all about.

The night after that, Lance woke up to find an empty bed. He places his hand Keith's spot. It felt warm. So Keith must have left only a few minutes before.

He dragged himself out of bed to find his missing boyfriend and drag him back to sleep with him because Jesus Christ it's fucking 2 am in the morning. He heard noises from the kitchen. Tiny noises that felt somehow, secretive, that Lance didn't immediately enter. He peeked through the door and saw Keith rummaging around in the fridge.

He saw Keith pull out a huge carton of milk. And when he says huge, it means like HUGE with capital letters. Like a big, fat bottle filled with thick milk. Okay. No biggie. Just Keith drinking milk secretly in the middle of the night. Weird? Kind of.

Lance didn't bother watching anymore and went back to sleep without his boyfriend.

So when Keith is still acting strange today, Lance brushes it aside. He kisses his boyfriend's forehead when he passes by him in the kitchen. Keith's making coffee, his mullet hair unbrushed and a bit oily.

"Morning, love." Lance mumbles when he pulls away.

Keith looks at him with sleepy eyes, blinking slowly, and Lance can't help but say, "What did you do last night?"

"What?" Keith mumbles.

"Where were you last night?" Lance finds himself asking, even though he knows full well what he was doing. "I woke up at night and didn't see you."

The sleepy eyes are gone and replaced with alert eyes. The eyes Lance sees whenever Keith hears unknown footsteps. Suspicious.

"Keith?" Lance calls.

"Uh, I- just in the bathroom probably."

Lance raises an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"Yes." He answers back.

Pause. "Okay."


Then Hunk comes in, asking them if they want to go eat outside and Lance finds himself forgetting about the problem.

He is reminded again when he's finished with his shower, smelling wonderfully like the new shampoo he bought. Smells like the ocean. He comes out to put on his favorite T-shirt to find it isn't there in the closet.

Oh yeah, I left it in Keith's, he realizes.

When he enters the room, he stops and stares. Keith Kogane, his boyfriend, is freaking jumping ropes. What.

Lance clears his throat.

"Fuck. What- what the fuck are you doing here?!" Keith shrieks.

Lance pulls his hand up, "Woah woah calm down."

"How many times did I tell you to knock? You can't just get in here-" Keith stops, taking a deep breath and blinks a couple of times.

Walking up to his boyfriend, Lance places his hand on his cheek, smiling softly when Keith unconsciously leans to the touch, sighing. Keith wraps his arms around Lance's waist, burying his face in his chest. Lance can feel him taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing." Keith answers back, voice muffled.

They stay like that for a couple minutes, in each others' arms, before Keith pulls back with a pout.

"I just- Am I short?"

Lance blinks. What? He thinks.

"Am I that short compared to normal standards? Is- is my height noticeable?"

Oh. OH.

And so Lance laughs. For the last few days, the secretive milk drinking at night, the constant rope jumping, the sudden change of being the small spoon. It was all because of his height insecurities. Cute, Lance can't help but think.

He also thinks the difference of height between them is adorable. It's always a piece of cake to plant a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, and cuddling is always comfortable and warm.

"What brought this on?" Lance asked softly, leading them to sit on Keith's bed.

"Last week." Keith says, rolling his eyes a little bit.

"I couldn't reach the cereal book on the top shelf in the store. And some kid," he spits it out like it's was poison, " he told me to buy heels while I was there."

Fuck. Now Lance has a forever mental image of Keith in shiny, black, 6 inches heels. Wrong situation.

"That's hot."

"I don't fucking care if I look hot! I want to grow, Lance. We used to be like, 2 cm different. Now you're almost 180 and I'm still 170! I need to grow." Keith huffs, throwing his arms up in emphasis.

Lance holds both his boyfriend's wrists and brings them down. "Babe," he says, chuckling a bit, " Baby. Love. Sweetheart. Mi amor." Keith rolls his eyes and hits his chest playfully.

"I'm serious. Your height is adorable. I love it. I know you love it. Everyone loves it. Fuck that kid." Lance says.

Keith looks at him with eyes Lance can't read, mesmerizing violet eyes looking at his sky blue ones.

"Fine." He says after a moment and Lance smiles widely, "I guess. I miss being the small spoon anyway."

Lance kisses his lips chastely. "That's the Keith I know and love."

"Shut up. Keep kissing me."

"Hey," Lance says, "How tall was this kid anyway?"

"180 I gues-"

"What?" Lance shrieks, "I'm 24 and I'm not even 180 yet! Maybe you are short! Maybe I am short! Am I short? Is everyone except us getting taller and tall-"

"Shut the fuck up Lance and kiss me."

So Lance does.

And they end up with far more than just a kiss that night.

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن