Promises are promises

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Rated: M

"You know exactly why I'm here," Lance says, his lips tugging up into a half smirk as he leans closer to Keith.

"Why is that?" Keith says, bored while closing the book he was reading, setting it down on the space on the sofa he's sitting on.

"You promised me something me, babe. Gotta give it to me now."

"What? What did I....Oh." Keith flushes pink. He slowly licks his lips consciously, perfectly knowing how it turns Lance on.

"Fuck, Keith," Lance groans out before leaning in and  cupping Keith's jaw with both his hands, their lips deliciously molding together.

Kissing Lance is always a nice feeling, Keith realizes. He taste like the ocean; salty with a tinge of sweet and Keith can't help but want more and more and more.

He opens his mouth to let his boyfriend's tongue in when it licks his lower lip slowly, asking for permission. Usually Keith would tease Lance by keeping his lips shut, but right now Keith just wants it quick and nice.

Keith is standing now, both of them against the wall with Lance's thigh in between Keith's milky ones.

Lance's tongue quickly swerves in, licking every corner it can reach, making Keith shiver in pleasure. They stayed like that for some time, teeth clashing, hands rubbing and touching everywhere they can reach and the only sounds Keith could hear is the sound of their mouths.

When Lance grinds his crotch onto Keith's, Keith broke the kiss, arching beautifully and gasping out loud and face looking so wrecked up that Lance has to stop, admire and wonder what the fuck did he do to deserve the pretty mullet-boy in front of him.

"Fuck, baby." Lance rasps out, his voice deeper than normal, as he tugs off his own shirt before returning to Keith, taking his lips back on him.

Keith's hand crawls up to Lance's short hair and pulls softly when Lance nibbles his lower lip, his hands going down to push Keith's shirt up. His hands crawl up and up towards Keith's already hardened nipples, pinching them softly, earning a sharp gasp from the shorter boy in front of him.

He breaks the kiss once again, a discontented sigh leaving Keith's lips but he says nothing and looks at his busy boyfriend as he replaces his right hand with his mouth, his hot tongue circling around the nub sensually.

Arching beautifully, Keith moans out loud, the grip on Lance's hair tightening every time Lance grinds their crotches together.

When Lance gets bored, he pulls his mouth away, a string of saliva connecting from his mouth to the red, abused nipple that glistens in the fairly-dimmed room. Putting his mouth on the rejected nipple, he starts all over again until Keith is a panting mess, clawing Lance's back impatiently, his eyes going darker and darker with lust.

"Lance.." Keith moans.

"Mm baby say my name again." Lance mumbles as he peppers his boyfriend's pale chest with more kisses and marks to cover up last night's leftovers. His hands are everywhere. Roaming around. Touching and rubbing any exposed skin, each touch leaving Keith wanting more and more quickly but at the same time he wants to take things slow, slowly feeling Lance, slowly appreciating him, slowly falling deeper and deeper in love with him cause Keith knows- he realizes that life doesn't go on forever. If he loves Lance, he should love him slowly until he falls into a deep abyss of devotion and affection that he can't reverse.

"Lance Lance Lance Lance. Fuck. Kiss me. Kiss me please, please Lance. Oh G-"

He shuts him up with a hard kiss, tongue shoving inside without permission, circling and exploring each and every cavern. One hand titling Keith's head up, the other quickly fumbling around to unbutton his jeans.

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now