sick au

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did I take too long I'm finally back I'm sorry my school started and this was supposed to be a short fic but I got carried away T^T

Sick au

When Lance came inside the dining room and sat on his chair, he noticed something off. The chair beside his was empty. Keith wasn't here. He may be late, but Lance knew Keith would be chopped into pieces and fed to the sharks and he would STILL be the first one to arrive. So something was definitely wrong.

"Where's mullet?" Lance questioned the others.

Pidge shrugged, taking a bite of her food. Lance looked at the others.

"He's sick, Lance," Allura said to him, "Pidge came to wake him up this morning and he told her to get out. Pidge is rather hurt right now."

Lance tried giving Pidge a pity look but he ended up snorting out loud. "Sick?" He coughed when Pidge sent a death glare towards him and Shiro did his best dad look. "Mullet? Sick? Is this an Apocalypse?"

"This is serious, Lance," Allura sighed, "He won't talk to anyone. Hunk was kicked out. Coran was pushed away. I almost got milk thrown to me."

"What about Shiro? Doesn't mullet kiss his ass like he's God or something?" Lance huffed. He didn't like where this was going.

Shiro sighed, "I tried, but we had..some issues."

Lance frowned, "What issues?"

"He took out his knife."

Lance gaped. "What the fuck? Keith? Really?"

"We thought maybe you could give it a try, Lance," Allura said, smiling at him the same exact way whenever she needed something from him.

Allura..wanted HIM to calm down an angry sick galra? Lance? "Excuse me?" Lance coughed, shaking his head in hope to hear better, "Let me get this straight. You want me," he placed a finger on his chest, "to go inside the mullet's room?!"

"No, she wants you to clean the bathroom," Pidge mumbled, still eating her breakfast.

"Shut the fuck up, Pidge." Lance shot back before focusing back on Allura. "Allura, you're smart and pretty and all but are you sure you're in a right mind now? Cause I'm pretty sure you're going to regret what I think I heard you just said."

"She said what she said, Lance," Shiro defended.

"Shiro?" Lance threw up his hands, "Really, bro? Why do you guys think I would do anything to help Keith? He fucking hates my guts. He probably got sick from training so hard so he could kick my ass."

"He totally hates you," Pidge mumbled again.

"Shut the fuck up, Pidge."

"We aren't saying anything, Lance," Hunk said from his chair, "It's just we all tried except you. He hasn't been eating and if it continues like this, we can't form Voltron. If it doesn't work, then it's fine. Plus, it's nice to say a little get well soon."

Lance sighed. Curse Hunk to be so nice and so humble.

"Okay fine. I'll visit the mullet's room," he mumbled before taking some food from the table to Keith in a plate, ignoring the happy cheers from Shiro and Allura and Conan.

Keith rarely got sick, Lance realized. He was always eating, even if less than others, healthily. He did plenty of exercises, way more exercises than Lance did. While Lance preferred plopping down the sofa and binge watching some Mexican drama (He had found some DVDs from the earth store he passed by during the last mission), Keith would go to the training room and improve whatever he thought was lacking.

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum