Prince and bodyguard action

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"I'm a prince and you're my bodyguard and we're kind of fucking each other."

This is not smut though cause I wanna make a chapter just for it ;)

Lance didn't know how it started actually. One moment he was assigned to be the Prince's new bodyguard. He remembered training his combat with Shiro, the head soldier (he was the one responsible for protecting the King. That was so out of Lance's league.) and suddenly one of the maids came running in, telling him that the King called for him.

The King wasn't this big, terrifying man with a crown on his head like you'd imagine. He was actually really nice and caring to all his people. Though he could be a little bitch sometimes, especially when he refused to shake hands with their long-term rival neighbour who mind you, offered PEACE forever, because apparently he still thought they had cooties from middle school.

"Lance," he had called when I entered. Immediately I bowed down on one knee in respect and he nodded. As I stood in up, he began talking.

"You might know Malek? He was a guard like you."

"Yes. He was the Prince's personal guard."

"Yes. He was a bright fellow, that one. Though, the Prince didn't quite think so. He didn't actually. He thought he was disgusting and smelled like rotten cheese, if I were so to quote him."


"The reason why I called you in here right now is because you are one of the best training ones we've got at the moment. Shiro told me you're way beyond everyone else there."

Lance flushed, "Shiro is too kind, sir."

"Well, I think your skills are worthy for your new job. I saw you training with your fellow mates yesterday and I must say, I'm impressed. Maybe Keith would find that trait impressive as well."

"What are you-"

The King cut him off, "I want you to become the Prince's new personal guard."

He was in no position to refuse the King. Though he knew he was in some kind of sick trap. The Prince was known to be a torturous, bratty boy who didn't care about anything other than himself. He didn't care if you were a girl or disabled, if he thought you weren't capable of being his bodyguard, he'll let you know directly.

Another moment he was ramming his cock inside the Prince so hardly, hand on his back, pushing it against the table.

"Fuckkkk," the Prince drawled out, leaning his head back. His hand went blindly to search for Lance's hand on his back and when he did he pulled it and placed them on his hard nipples. Lance, not the one to refuse such orders, leaned forward until his lips were beside his ears, fingers pinching the left nipple as he rutted shallowly.

The Prince turned his head to the side, kissing him heatedly and desperately as he quickly reached his climax. Lance quickly slipped out, the wet noise resulting from it music in his ears, and jacked off just above the Prince. Right as he was about to come, the Prince turned to his back and he let a soft squeak when white semen shot out onto his face and neck and torso.

Lance quickly took a napkin and was about to clean the mess he caused, when the Prince stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"With your tongue, Lance."

Lance looked at him.

Then he placed the napkin down and leaned forward. First he combed the bangs out of his forehead and placed a soft kiss there. Then he slowly licked the one beside his right eye.

They remained in that comfortable silence until the Prince's face was clean. Lance leaned back to excuse himself out but a hand around his wrist stopped him.

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