Kol returns a minute later and shuts the door behind him. "I got you some water. I added some ice cubes since I know you like your water to be ice cold" he says as he walks over to the bed and hands me the glass of water as he sits down on the edge of the bed. "Thank you" I respond carefully sitting up and taking a sip, sighing as the ice cold water slides down my throat. I pull the glass away and place it on the nightstand "when did the pains in your head start?" he asks "not long, they only happened when I heard or said the word Titan" I respond winching as my head throbs "that seems to be a trigger for you. I think your brain might be trying to remind you what you've forgotten and that's why it hurts to hear or say that word" he responds "I think so too" I reply "if it causes you pain, I'll make sure the word is never spoken in this house that means you shouldn't speak it either if it is indeed a trigger for you and apparently for your father too" he responds making me instantly shake my head. "What if it's the only way I can remember?" I ask "it won't be the only way. One thing I've learned is, there is always another way. One that doesn't cause you to feel pain" he replies making me smile at his optimism "I hate not knowing what happened to me. It's all I've thought about but lately the past few months it's been at the back of my mind. My concern has been on our baby" I say rubbing my baby bump "I know love. It's often normal to get sidetracked by something else" he replies "I crashed here on Earth with no memory and had a mission to regain my lost memories yet I ended up meeting my soul mate and falling in love and now I'm pregnant. That's not exactly what someone would except to happen if they came to Earth for a visit" I say making him chuckle "we were suppose to meet right? Maybe you crash landing here on Earth was no accident, perhaps you were meant to end up here and meet me. It's just like how I was suppose to die two months months before I came here. I was nearly killed but I somehow escaped death and at first thought I was lucky but maybe, just maybe I escaped because I wasn't meant to die that night. I was meant to live so I could come to New Orleans and meet you" he responds taking my hand in his making my heart flutter. "Perhaps you're right. After all the universe has a strange way of bringing people together particularly people who are meant to be together such as soul mates" I respond making him smile "your father wasn't strong when he said the universe had a complicated and weird mind" he replies "he wasn't" I respond laying down, my head resting against the pillows. "Kol?" I ask biting my lip "hmm, yes love" he responds giving my hand a gentle squeeze "when you said you somehow escaped the night you were suppose to die? What do you mean by somehow?" I ask curiously "it was weird, one minute I was pinned against a counter and vervain was being sprayed at me and the next I had a white oak stake in my chest. I waited for the inevitable pain, the stake setting on fire and my body burning to ash just like it did when Finn was killed but it just never happened. I couldn't wrap my head around it but I didn't hesitate to remove the stake and get the hell out of there" he explains "someone must've placed a spell on you or the stake to prevent you from being killed" I respond "if that is the case then I would like to know who because I owe them one" he responds "who knows maybe it was the universe itself" I reply "then I owe the universe my gratitude" he responds lifting my hand up to his lips and placing a kiss on my knuckle making me smile. "Did you get back at the people who tried to kill you?" I ask "after nearly being killed, I was tempted too but I was still shaken up by what happened and the fact I was somehow still alive so I just kept away from them plus I knew they would learn their lesson sooner or later" he responds "they're lucky I wasn't there. I would've rioted" I respond making him chuckle "I'm sure you would've" he replies I pat the spot next to me on the bed. "Come lie down with me" I say biting my lip "I should get back downstairs" he replies standing up "do you not want to stay here with me and just talk?" I ask "why of course. It's just Klaus might need something" he responds "well Klaus has Elijah, Freya, Rebekah and Hayley down there if he needs something. Me on the other hand need you to remain with me. I like having these chats" I respond "I know love but you know how Nik gets. He's a pain in the arse" he replies "yeah, well let me ask you something. Who is the one currently carrying your child me or Niklaus?" I ask "that would be you" he replies "exactly so as the mother of your child. What I say goes, so Niklaus can suck my clit for all I care. You're staying up here with me" I respond "your clit is mine to suck. Not his" he responds "it was a figure of speech, you know like when a guy says oh that guy can suck my dick. I can't say that can I? I don't have a dick" I respond making him laugh "that makes more sense" he responds "what? You didn't actually think I would let him do that right? Ew that's just nasty Kol. You're making our baby cringe" I retort making a gagging face making him chuckle "no I didn't think you would" he responds "good, now lie your ass down next to me. You're mine for the day" I reply "I'm yours everyday" he replies "fine, I guess you can go back downstairs then" I respond "I'll come back up in a few hours to check on you, I promise" he replies giving me a kiss on the cheek before heading out the room. "I'll just be here all alone, lying in bed, glancing at these four falls" I say with a sigh "I'm so lonely, I have nobody, to call my own, I'm so lonely, I'm Mrs Lonely" I sing giggling to myself as Kol runs back in and jumps on the bed, lying bedside me, on his side with his head propped up by one of his hands. "You're not so lonely now are you?" he asks "no I'm not. Now I feel much better" I respond scooting closer to him. "You sure know how to guilt trip a man" he says so I playfully pout at him "please don't be mad, I don't mean to guilt trip you. I just like spending time with you, you're my bestest friend" I say in a childish voice making him laugh "oh I could never be mad at you especially if you want to spend time with me. Nobody ever really likes my company that much" he responds as I scoot closer to him so we're literally inches from each other "well I happen to really love your company" I respond "oh I'm aware you love my company otherwise this little munchkin wouldn't be growing inside you right now" he responds rubbing my baby bump "you couldn't keep your hands off me during those two days you visited" I retort biting my lip "you weren't any better. You literally woke me up with a blow job on the second day and not to mention you had straddled me during the last night and rode me all night. I swear to god you were like some little sex addict" he replies making me giggle "well hold on now. I am a little bit of a sex addict and you also acted the same. You kept humping my ass all night, I had your boner digging into my back both nights and you snook into the shower with me the morning after your first night" I respond "yet we didn't even disturb Hope once. We were able to have some great sex when she was sleeping without waking her up" he replies "she's a great sleeper, that's why and I did sound proof the bedroom we were in" I respond "I hope our child is a great sleeper too so we can squeeze in some time to make love" he replies wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle as he presses his lips against mine. "We'll work round it" I respond humming as he runs a hand up my side "good because I need some sugar from my girl" he responds as he deepens the kiss "I'll give you all the sugar you want" I purr wrapping my arms around his neck as he gently rolls us over, so he's hovering above me. "Hmm, I'll give you some of my sugar too" he responds swiping his tongue across my bottom lip making me moan "god you're turning me on" I whimper as he shoves his tongue in my mouth "will you two stop please? This is disgusting. I am right next door and I can hear everything you're saying!" my father shouts from the next room making us pull apart "how? I sound proofed the walls?!" I ask/shout "I took mine down" he replies "oh my god. Have you been listening?!" I ask annoyed and embarrassed "I heard your head was hurting and was merely concerned. I just wanted to check in on you" he replies "if that's the case, then why the hell did you not come in here and check in on me instead of listening through the god damn wall!" I yell "uhhh...I didn't want to interrupt you and Kol" he replies "so you decided to listen in on our conversation and wait for what exactly?" I ask "uhh I'm the father here. You are the child and Kol get your hands off my daughter, don't defile my little girl!" he yells "oh my god dad! This is my relationship, I can do what I want whenever I want!" I respond "when I'm in the room next to you?" he asks "in our defense the walls were suppose to be sound proof but you had to be stubborn and remove your sound proofing. You're invading my privacy!" I yell  "sorry princess, I'll back off. Kol I meant what I said no deflowering my little girl" he responds "too late for that" Kol mutters making me nudge him in the stomach with my elbow and he smirks in response. I wave my hand, chanting a little spell under my breath as I double sound proof the bedroom as well as my fathers. "There we go, all better. He can't hear now" I say as I cuddle up to Kol "great" he replies as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead as we quickly get comfortable after that embarrassing disturbance from my father. Can't believe he did that, well actually I can since he always invades people's privacy but he's always respected my privacy until now that is. Maybe it's just because he's protective and dad's do get protective when their daughters are alone in a room with a guy.

End of chapter, what did you think? Some more tension in there. Davina had a bit of a dizzy spell. Kol took her upstairs to rest. Some great Kolvina moments and Davina getting cheeky. There was a bit of a heated moment between Kol and Davina but they were interrupted by one over protective, sneaky papa Loki. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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