Chapter 22 (a): Is It Too Late?

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You guys were confused because I purposedly leave so many plotholes in previous chapters BUT I'll slowly filled in that holes so please be patient with me guys😘 also this chapter will be in two parts. The scene started with way back before, after Ian's grandfather and Carl visiting the company and met Karen.


After grandpa and Carl went to see me yesterday, I was in a bind. Grandpa's words held the truth, I don't know how can I be with her without triggering the past memories. I was at the end of the line, I just wished I could take her to a new place to start a new life, but to do that, I have to cut her ties with her family that she loves so much and I won't inflict that kind of suffering onto her. Think of something Ian...

While I was in pain thinking about our situation, I got a call from someone, a person that unknowingly will drive me apart from Karen. Liza Jacob.


"I heard you're working at a small company now, I wonder what will the shareholders would say."

After that short call from her, my days and nights were bothered by her words. How come she knew about this? I thought David already took care of it. I couldn't concentrate on my job and Karen. I can't even tell this to the boys, they were busy with their own things and David's been handling the Knight Corp and Adam, I couldn't give him more burden. So I decided to meet that woman and find out what did she want from me.

"So I see you came, didn't expect that to be honest." She slowly sipped her coffee showing off her 'gentleness'.

"What do you want?" I have no time to beat around the bush and that stupid smirks of her really starting to get on my nerves.

"I need you. I mean.. support from the famous Ian Knight, heir of the billion worth business empire." Still with that stupid smirk of her.

"How my 'support' could help an heiress from one of the biggest conglomerate in the US?" I looked at her menacingly. Cunning fox like this shouldn't get any kind treatment at all.

"A lot actually, and you know very well of it. Let me get this straight, you will help me or I'll tell the world about your little act in that shitty company and also... your mental health probably?" She's lucky she's a woman, nobody ever dare to threaten me. Looks like there's flaws in concealing my situation because it's impossible for a woman like her to know about it.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Damn, she's got 'cables'.

She faked a laugh, "me? How could I blackmail such a powerful figure like you. Be careful Mr Knight, even these tablewares in front of us have ears you know." She winked playfully. I will cut your 'cables'.

"Give me your terms." After I said that, her smile went so wide in satisfaction. She won.. for now. She then told me. I was literally speechless throughout hearing her answers but I masked it with an emotionless face. I can't show any weakness.

"Okay, I'll see you at your office later to get my answer. Good day." She then stood up from the chair and left while I was still sitting there in turmoil.

When I came back to the office, Karen greeted me excitedly, she also packed a lunch for me but I don't have any appetite. I was so mad at my situation I didn't realized I hurt her feelings with my blunt words. I even told her to go to prepare beverages, I did that to collect my scattered thoughts but I failed miserably. When she came back with my orders, right on time that witch has to appear uninvited. Karen.....

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