Chapter 1: Unknowingly Close

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Hey guys! I'm back! I'm so estatic with the supports and love I received. Thanks a lot~

Max Schneider: I'll come back for you


"Kay!!! Hurry up! Get your skinny ass right here now, we're 5 minutes late already!" Venus shouting voice can be heard from downstairs. We already in the car earlier when the mother nature makes the sudden call to me. I could sense that she's starting to lose her patience.

"In a minute!" I shouted back from inside the toilet. I quickly finish my business and then coming down the stairs running like a mad person. I locked the front door and went inside the car in a hurry, exactly like someone who's been chased by dogs.

"My fat ass gone flat waiting for your precious butt to finish." Venus immediately start the car while I was desperately panting for air beside her. It feels like I joined a marathon. As usual, we're going to our workplace, which is a small coffee shop belongs to Venus.

I'm working for Venus for over a month now and I love it so much. I was actually lived in Canada before where I worked as a legal receptionist at a famous law firm and overall, you could say that I practically had a good life with all the payments. But why would I ended up in Kansas. It all started when I first met Venus, she's the new barista in a coffee shop I used to go to. So from a delicious cup of coffee to a small talk, we then hanging out every weekend. Magic right? I was instantly drawn to her quirkiness and despite that bitch face facade she put on, she's actually a kind and soft hearted person.

After spending a long time in Canada, she decided to go back to her hometown which is Wichita, in Kansas obviously, but we still keep on in touch with each other. When one day she said that she wanted to open her own coffee shop, I immediately asked her for a job, of course as a dumb joke. Surprisingly, she said yes, so without wasting any time, I sent my resignation letter then I straight up packed my bag. The joke finally becoming true. Reason? No particular reason I think, probably just felt bored with my busy life, I need a drastic change to make it more exciting. Plus, moving to another country is not that a big deal actually.


I did left two person who I considered as my family there, they are my best friends, my one and only family. Even though they didn't accept the news about me going to move like the way I wanted especially the oldest (they're siblings), they understands and support me all the way through. Even when I'm already at Kansas, we would always keep on updating each other's life. They said that they'll come to visit me one day and I'm looking forward for that day to come. I'm starting to miss them already, I just hope the day would come faster.

"Here's your forever bitter black coffee." I put the cup of coffee with no sugar on the table, exactly like how it ordered.

"Just another fine bitterness to my fine bitter morning, or life." Jack, our regular customer immediately grabbed the cup and took a sip. His face crunches in satisfaction, he really loves his coffee bitter maybe it's because of his health problem.

"Oh Jack, don't say negative things in this lovely day." I shakes my head at his sullen mood early in the morning. I then handed him a plate of his favourite, pancakes with bacon and hash browns.

"Hmph! I doubt that." He scoffed before shaking his head back. He then started to dig in while I was still standing behind the counter making other orders.

"Don't listen to her, her sweetness can give us diabetes." Venus suddenly came out from behind before she went to stand beside me. Her eyebrows were raised while looking at him. "Another silly fight with Martha again?" She asked about his wife.

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