Chapter 9: Unofficial Confession

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I love how yall were being shady to me😂 I know I'm lazy, yall can say it out loud (no cussing tho) haha and because I updated it early af, yall owe me a star so go vote this chapter💜


"Vee, I'm going to the store to buy some groceries. Wanna go?" I said as I rummaged through my bag looking for my phone, I need to tell Ian. Earlier, I saw that our fridge almost empty so I decided to go to the store. Ah, found it.

"No, I'm going to see Pst Mitch? You can use the car, Jack and Martha gonna pick me up later." Venus answered as she came out from the kitchen looking all ready to go out too. I put my phone back into my bag after I updated my activity.

"Why? Anything happened?" I was standing right at the bottom of the stairs looking at Venus who's already sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Nothing silly, we're... just gonna plan more activities, for the charity ya know." She said while her eyes still stuck on the programme.

"Okay..." I walked towards the wall where we hang our keys and I snatched the car key before heading out.

"Oh before I forget, can you drop by the shop later? I left the shop's book account, it's in the empty locker, the one with the red mark on it."

"Got it!" I walked down the porch towards the car and then get in it before starting the engine.

"Just take all the books in it!" She shouted from the front door, I honk the horn to signal that I heard her.

I only took 30 minutes to buy all our needs. Then I put it all at the back of the car, sent a short text to update Ian again before driving to the coffee shop. When I arrived, I parked at the outside of the building. I opened the door then locked it from the inside. I walked through the dark place towards the light switches, I then switch on the light at the counter and our private room where all the lockers were placed. When I looked at the glass wall at the front of the shop, right at that exact moment I saw something black flashing across the storefront. I yelped in surprise. I swear I saw someone or something running just now. I waited for a minute without moving at all, I tried to listen for any sound or noises in case of burglary. But when I heard nothing, I decided to drop it off thinking that I'm being a scaredy cat or delusional again. Sometimes I myself overthink so...

I shake my head a few times to gain back my senses and telling myself to stop feeling scared without any reason. So I continue to walk towards our room where we often use it for rest. I get inside and closed the door, then I looked up at the locker that Venus had told me. I was going to get the books when all of a sudden a loud sound of glass breaking pierced the silence, I got instantly horrified. I was frozen for a moment before completely forgetting the books and then slowly tiptoed towards the door.

I carefully placed my ear near the door to hear any noises after. But all I heard was my own breath, I was trembling in fear. What if someone broke in? I need to call the police! I need-

An explosion suddenly occurred from the outside causing the impact to reach the room I was in and breaking the door, I felt my body flying into the air before I was thrown off against the lockers. The air in my lungs were forcefully knocked out leaving me breathless as I crashed onto the floor. My eyes were almost closed and I grunted in pain, I could feel shattered pieces of things rubbing against my cheek. I want to move so bad but I couldn't, my hair blocked my face and my ears ringing which made me even panic. I can't see or hear anything but my skin could sense heat, high heat. Oh no. Fire. Help.

He Who Never Forgets 2 (HWNF2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ