Chapter 21(a): Truth Untold

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I purposedly divide this part into two, Why? No reason at all lol.


"What?!" I stood up abruptly from the couch. "Met Gala?!" I literally yelled at him in surprise, Nigel on the other hand rubbed his ears. My voice might have broke his eardrums.

"Can you not yell? My ears hurt." I still stared him with wide eyes while waiting for his answers. His face contorted in pain. "It's not the Met Gala, it's after the Met Gala." He continued while lightly tapped his both ears now, I sighed in relieve by his answer. Oh wait-

"What's that?" I asked him. He gestured his fingers telling me to sit back down and I obeyed.

"That Met Gala is a fundraising event, do you think I'm that rich to attend? I don't have the fortune to donate, woman." I shake my head at him. "After the Met Gala is a socializing party, we're gonna go to that party and enjoy the night of our life." Nigel were smiling from ear to ear after he finished.

"Should I be worried by how sparkling your eyes are when you mentioned the last few words?" He even grins right now, what so exciting about this? He really loves this kind of stuff.

"You're going with me whether you like it or not, I'm not asking you by the way." He leaned back against the couch while smirking. He knew I have no choice, he's smart in taking advantage of my soft heart. "Crafty guy." See? I can't even said anything back to him other than that. I feel anxious by this whole thing so I scooted closer to him, he pushed back my head when I got too close to him. "are you sure it's just a simple party?"

He sighed as he made that bored face at me. "Of course, SOCIAL party. You really should learn more from me after this." The way he said it makes it seems like I don't know how things work which is partially true actually. I crossed my arms under my chest thinking about it.

"Why didn't you bring another woman as your date?" This guy can get anyone he wants, but strangely he doesn't have anyone. I'm starting to doubt his sexuality, what if the flirting games he did all this time just a cover?

"Hellooo Ms Smith," I paid my attention back to him, "I'm still new and not familiar with this place. Plus, I will find a woman to be my next date in that party." He will be flirting again and then make them to be his dates to go to any event but no one stays long enough, I should be watching him closely that night. I noticed Nigel looks like he's trying to remember something when his eyes looking up . "Oh...I already prepared your dress, go take it in my room later." He said it to me after awhile, I nodded in response, good thing I don't need to rack my brain to choose outfits. "Shit, I forgot I have a meeting with clients." He straight off announced it, in haste he grabbed his coat from his side and literally ran out from the house. "See you later!" Then he left. It happened too fast.

The next evening~

We're watching his favourite drama right now before getting ready for tonight's party. I'm sure the Met Gala event already started by now. "Please make sure you dolled up nicely." He mentioned. That's so sudden I got caught off guard and almost choked on my milk. Geez, this guy really annoying.

"What's wrong with my makeup skill?" I said while wiping off any milk traces on my face with the back of my hands.

His eyes still glued to the TV, "Nothing wrong at all, just not enough. You are my partner for tonight, I can't have someone plain standing beside me." How can he keep a straight face while lowkey insulting me? "I came far away from Canada, that's why I need a fantastic partner tonight."

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