Chapter 13: Simply Crush?

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Karen :

I woke up early in the morning to see Venus were already way prepared than I am. What kind of a job she got that needs her to be ready this early? She was eating her toast as I went to sit in front of her. I grabbed the milk carton and poured myself a glass. "How do you go to work Vee?"

"Oh, that piece of sh- oops, my bad. Mr Johnson said I need to be with him to go to work from now on. How bout you?" The way she answered it casually made me chuckled a bit.

"I'll take the bus later." Luckily I asked Liam yesterday about the bus, he did offered to send me but I politely declined. I don't want to trouble him or anyone.

"Oh shoot, I'm late!" I was shocked when suddenly Venus stormed off the table and literally ran to the living room. "I need to go now or he will get a point to pick on me later. See you tonight Kay, bye." She said as she hastily grabbed her bag and left. Then loud thud of the door was heard telling me that she's already out leaving me all alone in the kitchen.

I shook my head at myself when it dawned to me. I've just realized her outfit, she wore that kind of style all the time which makes me already forget that we aren't working in a cafe any longer. If I remembered clearly, her thick smokey makeup were still there not forgetting her dark lipstick, and the clothes, ugh....... she's purposely picking a fight with Josh. I wonder how their first day will be, hope it'll be smooth. I let out a sigh, those two really......

Realizing that I myself need to go to work too, I went for a shower, then I picked a bodyfit red dress with a half sleeve dark red blazer which I matched it along with black peep toe boots and a black handbag. Josh was the one who keeps on bugging me to wear it after we went on shopping yesterday. Even Liam and David approved it so much, they said something about memorable first impression. After making sure all were good, I headed out from our place holding the house key. I went out and immediately got surprised by a person who's already standing outside of our place.

"Ian??" I looked at the time in my phone Why so early though? Ian was standing beside his door against the wall while staring at me. Today he looks so dashing with that grey checked blazer and a black shirt inside, a cropped dark grey trousers and a pair of shining black loafers. Wow, spending time shopping with those boys really has made me a walking fashion dictionary, before this I could never named all this stuff, heck, I don't even know what loafers is. But actually those fashion wasn't the highlight of him, the most interesting part of all is, he shaved! He actually shaved clean! His moustache and beard were all gone, he looks hundred times more handsome and strikingly handsome than before. Not that he's not handsome but this time it really feels different, his prominent jawline were visible and his true face could make any woman drool, me too. He must be noticing my reactions because he was smirking sexily at his spot.

"Let's go." He said but I was still in trance by his shocking appearance to think clearly. "You'll come with me to go to work from now on." He said as the matter fact before standing up straight and walked towards the elevator. I didn't even get to ask him, he already beat me to it. I still can't comprehend his hot appearance, I freakin hit the jackpot! JACKPOT!!! Did I save the country in my past life or what?

"Oh okay..." I nodded while blankly following him. Can't believe I got a hot looking male specimen as my friend, boss and neighbour! I saw him pressing the button on the screen, even the way he looked from behind is awesome. "How long have you been waiting outside?" I asked while still in the state of drooling over him. A ding sound was heard, we get inside and the elevator started to move downwards.

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