Chapter 26

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After a long while of journeying, the cats made it back to the twolegplace where they found Lily and Jinx.

"Are you two sure about this?" Mistystorm asks the former kittypets. "This is your last chance to change your mind about going back to ShadowClan with us," She meows. Both of them respond with a nod. Talking while on the move has been hard for the cats since they've all been carrying a jawful of the herb.

"My housefolk never cared about me, but I feel like all of you do, so of course I would want to stick with all of you," Lily meows.

"The outdoors has always fascinated me. I don't care about my housefolk as much as I care about ShadowClan, so I would love to stick with you all," Jinx meows.

"Okay then, it's settled," Mistystorm meows. "Let's keep moving."

The cats then continue on their journey, getting close to where they had their encounter with the foxes. Once they reach the area, Frostpath speaks up.

"Slow down, Fawnbriar, I want to talk to you more privately," he whispers. Fawnbriar and Frostpath slow down, getting farther from the others.

"How did you know that I'm not your real father?" Frostpath asks Fawnbriar in a whisper.

"Oh, I just overheard Sagepool and Ivyleaf," Fawnbriar whispers back.

"Do you know about Amberflower and Ravenfeather too?" Frostpath asks.

"Yeah, I overheard that too," Fawnbriar partially lies, remembering that Blacktail had told her in the Dark Forest.

No one needs to know that I've been interacting with cats there. Fawnbriar thinks.

"Taking part in raising the five of you with a blessing, but I also think it would be great to have kits of my own someday too. I want to pass the great Frostpath legacy down, you know?" Frostpath whispers.

"Yeah, I get you. Maybe you will find a real mate and have kits of your own someday," Fawnbriar responds. "I used to think you were a nuisance, but ever since this journey, I've began to realize that you're not so bad," She whispers. Frostpath purrs at this.

"You will always be like one of my kits to me and so will the other four," he whispers. "Let's catch back up with the others now," he meows. Then, the two warriors pick up their pace to catch up with the other journey cats.

"Can we request the first part of our names to Daisystar?" Fawnbriar hears Lily ask Mistystorm once they catch up.

"You can try, but I can't guarantee you'll get what you want," Mistystorm answers.

"Okay," Lily responds as they continue to walk.

We're almost back. Fawnbriar thinks happily.

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