Chapter 11

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Fawnpaw abruptly woke up to weight pouncing her down. The sudden attack made her let out a squeal, which makes the other cat purr with amusement.

"Hey! What in StarClan was that for?!" Fawnpaw hisses as she opens her eyes to spot the dusty brown pelt of Dustpaw.

"It's time for training! Frostpath said we're taking part in a special tradition today!" Dustpaw meows. "All of the other apprentices and mentors are already outside waiting!" He meows.

"Fine, I'm getting up. Now, get off me." Fawnpaw meows, about ready to just shove the small tom off.

"I'll race you to the others!" Dustpaw challenges happily, gets up off Fawnpaw, and then dashes off. Fawnpaw, not caring at all about the race, takes her time while getting up. She then pads out of the apprentices' den and towards the crowd of apprentices and mentors.

Oh StarClan, I hate this already. Fawnpaw thinks as she enters the crowd.

"Is every cat here and ready?" Smokefur asks all thirteen other cats. If Owlpaw was ready to get back to training by now, then there would have been sixteen cats total taking part in this. Once every cat agreed, Smokefur spoke up again.

"Okay, let's go." The dark gray she-cat meows. Then, all fourteen cats exit the camp together, heading towards the small clearing.

"I wonder if all of us will even fit in the clearing." Frostpath meows with a purr of amusement. "All of the mates in our clan must have been having lots of fun lately." He jokes.

"Frostpath! Not in front of the apprentices!" Moonheart meows, scolding her kit as if he was still young.

"You're one to talk, Frostpath. You're the father of five of these apprentices." Nettlebreeze meows, teasing her brother.

"When are you and Sootwhisker going to have kits?" Thornpelt asks his daughter.

"That's enough. We shouldn't even be talking about this." Ivyleaf meows.

"I think Ivyleaf is right. These apprentices are still very young, especially Bournpaw, Dustpaw, and Wrenpaw, who just became apprentices a half-moon ago." Doveflight meows.

"Well, we're done chatting anyways because here we are." Smokefur meows as the cats arrive at the clearing. "Now, I will explain how this works to the three newest additions." She meows. The other cats sit down and listen to the older cat's words.

"This training tradition has existed for many generations, my parents' generation being the first. In this tradition, the apprentices focus on hunting first. They all split off as their mentors follow them. Then, they have one attempt to catch something. After that attempt, whether you succeeded or failed, you must return back to the clearing. Then, we will focus on battle skills. Since there is an odd number of apprentices, they will each practice on their mentors. Use everything you know. Whoever has the best skill will win. Just make sure your claws are sheathed!" Smokefur explains. "Do you all understand?" She asks. All seven of the apprentices respond with a nod.

"Good, let's get started then!" Smokefur meows cheerfully. "It's time for the hunting portion. Split off in different directions and come back after your attempt." Fawnpaw nods and then begins to pad off in a random direction. Thornpelt follows distantly behind her.

I'm going to actually catch something this time! Fawnpaw thinks. She opens her mouth slightly and takes in some of the air, trying to find the scent of any prey. Then, she catches the scent of a snake, which excites Fawnpaw. She crouches down low and sneaks around while trying to find the snake, trying her best not to make a single sound. Then, she spots it along the side of a tree. She sneaks close to it and then attacks it, biting it until it goes completely limp. Fawnpaw, very proud of herself, looks over at Thornpelt happily.

"Excellent job, Fawnpaw. I'm impressed. Let's head back." Thornpelt meows. Fawnpaw proudly grabs the snake in her jaws and begins to drag it back to the clearing. It is a skinny snake, but it is long. When they returned, Dustpaw, Wrenpaw, Bournpaw, and Ravenpaw were already back. Bournpaw and Ravenpaw were the only ones who succeeded. The apprentices were in complete awe when Fawnpaw returned with the snake in her jaws.

"Wow, Fawnpaw! Nice job!" Ravenpaw meows happily.

"How did you catch that?" Bournpaw simply asks.

"Yeah! It looks very scary!" Wrenpaw meows shakily.

"Of course! I expected nothing less from Fawnpaw!" Dustpaw meows happily.

"It wasn't that hard. The frog-brain, or should I say snake-brain, was just relaxed on a tree and did not have a clue I was coming." Fawnpaw replies, fluffing her chest fur proudly.

The reactions from Amberpaw and Cinderpaw we're not much different when they returned. Good for them, both of them returned with fresh-kill.

"Oh StarClan, Fawnpaw! You caught that? That's amazing!" Cinderpaw meowed.

"Great job, Fawnpaw! I'm really proud of you. You've improved a lot." Amberpaw meowed. Even the mentors were amazed.

"Now, it's time for battle skills. Since Owlpaw is not here, the apprentices will battle their mentors. Mentors, please make sure to go a bit easy on your apprentices. Also, please make sure your claws are sheathed. We don't want any injuries." Smokefur meows. "When I say to start, we will start." She meows.

Fawnpaw puts the snake down and faces her mentor, Thornpelt. She mentally prepares herself to battle the large gray-and-white tom.

"Begin!" Smokefur finally calls. Then, Fawnpaw leaps for her mentor. Thornpelt, expecting her attack, dodges. Fawnpaw hits the ground. At that moment, Thornpelt leaps for Fawnpaw, knocking the apprentice down and pinning her.

"I know you can do better, Fawnpaw. You have a lot of potential. Blacktail never went easy on me when I was an apprentice, so I'm never doing the same for you. Considering all of the times we have practiced, I assume you know that by now." Thornpelt tells his apprentice. Then, Fawnpaw uses this opportunity to her advantage. She uses her strong hinds and uses them to try to shove off the tom, giving him a few kicks and shoves. However, the tom did not budge.

"Fine, you win again." Fawnpaw meows, letting out a sigh.

"You will never become a warrior until you beat me in battle. If you don't beat me in battle, then you're not ready." Thornpelt meows. "Keep on practicing. I believe in you." He encourages her. Fawnpaw gets up off of the grassy and leafy ground. She looks around at the other apprentices, noticing that all of the other apprentices are finished. All of them beat their mentors except Wrenpaw, Bournpaw, and herself.

"I-I suck! I'll never become a warrior!" Wrenpaw whines.

"Yes you will, dear. It just takes a lot of practice and hard work. I promise you." Moonheart encourages her young apprentice.

"Are we all ready to head back?" Smokefur asks the others. Since all of the other cats approved, the fourteen cats began to walk back to camp together.

Finally, I can sleep again. Unless Thornpelt makes me check the elders for ticks or something. I sure hope not. Fawnpaw thinks.

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