Chapter 20

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Fawnbriar awakens next to the other cats. "Let's keep moving." She immediately meows to the others, getting up on her feet.

"But we just woke up," Jinx whines. "Can we lay here a little longer, maybe get something to eat?" He asks.

"No. You're warriors for time the you're with us," Fawnbriar meows. "Let's keep moving." She meows. Then, the six cats continue on their journey, padding along as Fawnbriar leads the way.

"I miss Owlheart, Amberflower, and Ravenfeather," Cinderlight whines as the cats continue to pad along.

"Who are they?" Lily asks.

"Our littermates. Fawnbriar and I are sisters," Cinderlight explains.

"Oh okay." Lily responds.

"Now that you mention it, I really miss Nettlebreeze," Frostpath meows.

"Stop whining and keep moving. Think about the flower, not your kin," Fawnbriar responds, flicking her tail.

"Should we give up? It will take forever for us to find the flower at this point! The disease will probably go away once it's newleaf," Cinderlight suggests.

"Are you crazy?" Fawnbriar hisses. "There's cats dying back at camp right now! We have to hurry up and find it before more die!" Cinderlight's eyes widen at her sister's response.

"I'm sorry," Cinderlight responds, looking down at the snowy ground.

"I'm almost unseeable in this snow!" Frostpath purrs with amusement. "The only thing that makes me stand out from the snow is my eyes!"

"I miss Bearclaw, Sagepool, and my kits as well, but we have to keep moving, like Fawnbriar said," Mistystorm meows. Fawnbriar lifts her head proudly once the hero approves what she had said.

"We don't want our Clan to die, right?" Frostpath meows.

"Right!" All of the cats, even the former kittypets, respond.

"You're not in ShadowClan yet. You have to make it past Daisystar first," Fawnbriar reminds the two cats coldly.

"Daisystar must be your leader," Jinx meows. "I can't wait to meet her. Daisystar is a her, right?"

"Yes," Mistystorm answers.

"I've always wondered this but was too afraid to ask, but how did Daisystar get her one blind eye?" Cinderlight asks the older warriors.

"I was told that it was an accident when her and Blacktail were apprentices," Frostpath answers. "I asked Moonheart before and she said she only knew because Smokefur told her," he continues. "She said that Addertooth questioned if it really was an accident."

"I don't know any of these cats," Lily meows.

"You will know some of them if you join ShadowClan, hopefully," Mistystorm responds.

They aren't joining ShadowClan on my watch. Fawnbriar thinks has a low growl grows in her throat.

Then, a loud gasp comes from Cinderlight and the silver tabby dashes off.

"Cinderlight!" Mistystorm yells. Cinderlight stops at a blue flower poking out of the snow, this excites the other cats.

"Is this it?!" Mistystorm asks Fawnbriar excitedly.

"Not even close," Fawnbriar answers. "All of you are frogbrains if you think that's it."

Cinderlight lets out a disappointed sigh and the cats continue padding through the snow. The cats stop after finding shelter in between two boulders.

"We will stay here for the night," Mistystorm meows. The cats try to catch some fresh-kill, but they find nothing, so they fall asleep hungry.

After falling asleep, Fawnbriar opens her eyes to find herself in a different place. It is a dark and foggy forest with little light to be seen. Then, she watches as Blacktail approaches her.

"Did you blind Daisystar's eye?!" Fawnbriar hisses at the tom.

"Yes, but it was only an accident," Blacktail responds. Fawnbriar gives him a questioning look, not sure if he is telling the truth.

"You've killed cats. Should I believe you wouldn't blind your own sister?" Fawnbriar asks.

"I was only an apprentice. I wasn't evil until I was a warrior," Blacktail responds. "But, let's start training, shall we? Battle me."

Fawnbriar takes the challenge and leaps for the dark forest tom, knocking him down to the ground. She is surprised to find that she is larger than the older spirit. She pins him to the ground.

"Thornpelt taught you well. I knew I could trust my apprentice to pass on my skills," Blacktail meows.

"This is for all of the cats you killed!" Fawnbriar hisses, quickly sinking her fangs into Blacktail's neck, catching him by surprise. He had no idea she would go this far at all. She watches as the tom's spirit begins to slowly fade away.

"You killed him!" An unfamiliar golden-brown tom hisses. Fawnbriar fears for the worst as the larger tom charges for her. She tries to move to the side, but it was too late. The large tom knocks her to the ground and pins her. He claws the she-cat's chest and drags his claws down. Fawnbriar lets out a screech as she suddenly wakes up.

"Fawnbriar!" Frostpath suddenly meows as the other patrol cats are awakened by her screech.

"It hurts.." Fawnbriar whines as the large wound on her chest begins to bleed out.

"Does anyone know herbs?!" Mistystorm meows, bur everyone responds with a shake of their head.

"How did that happen?!" Cinderlight asks, her yellow eyes wide.

"I don't know," Fawnbriar lies. "But it hurts a lot."

Frostpath quickly grabs some old cobweb off the side of one of the boulders and places it down on Fawnbriar's wound.

"I don't know much, but I do know that cobweb slows bleeding," Frostpath meows. "Maybe you'll be okay with just this. Just be careful to try not to get it infected," He meows.

"How do you know this?" Fawnbriar asks.

"Maybe I have watched Sagepool train a few times when we were apprentices," Frostpath meows with a nervous purr of amusement.

"Thank you," Fawnbriar meows.

I really hope this is enough to keep it from getting infected or losing too much blood. Fawnbriar thinks.

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