Chapter 16

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Fawnbriar wakes up just on time. She gets right up out of her nest to see that it is just before dawn.

I wonder if that flower I saw in my dream actually has meaning. What if it's the cure to this illness? Fawnbriar thinks.

She exits the warriors' den to instantly be greeted by Sagepool.

"Hey, Fawnbriar. Can you eat these herbs? They will help you on your journey." Sagepool meows, handing her herbs that are carried in ivy leaves.

"Yeah." Fawnbriar meows. She then consumes the herbs, which include sorrel, daisy, chamomile, and burnet.

"These herbs will keep your strength up while you travel." Sagepool informs her kit.

"Thank you." Fawnbriar meows, then she hears another cat call over at her.

"Fawnbriar! Are you ready now? Sagepool was just going to wake you up!" Mistystorm calls out from the other side of camp, gathered with the other cats going on the journey.

"Yeah! I'm ready!" Fawnbriar replies and then begins to walk over.

"Good luck." Sagepool meows.

Fawnbriar approaches the other cats.

"Let's go." Mistystorm meows. Then, the patrol consisting of Mistystorm, Frostpath, Fawnbriar, and Cinderlight leaves camp together, determined to find this unknown savior to try to save their clan. Immediately once the cats leave the camp, they are alert, looking for any signs of some sort of savior.

"Since it's a savior, it would have to be another cat, right?" Cinderlight meows.

"We aren't sure. So, we should expect anything." Mistystorm responds. The cats continue to look around as they walk.

"Which direction should we go?" Fawnbriar meows. "I think we should go outside of the clans' territories." She meows.

"Yeah, I agree. Should we go past the twoleg next and through the hills?" Mistystorm suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea." Frostpath meows.

"Then let's do it!" Cinderlight meows excitedly. The patrol then walks in that direction, aiming to go outside ShadowClan's territory, prepared to journey far to find this savior.

Should I tell them about the herb? Fawnbriar thinks. I guess I will tonight. She then concludes.

"I'm a bit worried. Daisystar said not to come back until we find the savior. What if we never find the savior and we never come back? What if we get lost?" Frostpath meows worriedly.

"It's not like you to get so worried, Frostpath." Mistystorm meows.

"I mean, we're going on a journey that may mean the life or death of ShadowClan. We should be nervous, right?" Frostpath mores.

"Yeah, even I am a bit worried." Cinderlight meows. "But, I am also excited. This is going to be fun!" She meows.

"If you say so." Fawnbriar grumbles.

After a long time of walking, the cats finally made it out of the edge of ShadowClan's territory into land that is not claimed by any clan.

"Shall we rest a little?" Mistystorm suggests.

"Yes. I'm worn out!" Cinderlight meows. Then, the cats lay down together on the cold, hilly ground.

I don't know what to feel about this whole journey thing. Fawnbriar thinks.

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