Chapter 24

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"Let's keep moving," Mistystorm meows as the cats come out from under the rocks. The sun beginning to shine on the snow. Once the cats hop into the snow, they realize that it's up to their chests.

"I've never been in snow this deep, be careful," Mistystorm meows as the continues to cautiously walk. "Since we cannot see the ground, I think we have to dig in the snow to see if we can find the flower."

"I think we'll have to do that too," Frostpath meows, "but once we get to an area we haven't looked at yet." They all agree and continue on their journey even though the deep snow is slowing them down. Once they got to a new area, they started digging at the snow with their front paws, looking for any sign of the flower or any other savior.

"This is so exhausting!" Lily complains.

"Keep on doing it!" Mistystorm encourages. "We never know when we'll find it!" She meows. Fawnbriar notices that the snow is softening and melting from the sun's warmth, which is making things a bit easier for the six cats. The cats continue walking and digging until they are too tired to continue, laying down in the snow.

"Hey, you know what?" Frostpath meows.

"What is it?" Cinderlight asks, tilting her head a little.

"I love you all snow much," Frostpath meows with a purr of amusement. A purr of amusement comes from Cinderlight and the two former kittypets as well, but Fawnbriar and Mistystorm give each other annoyed glances.

"That's not funny," Fawnbriar responds. Once the cats regain their energy, the continue walking and digging until the sun begins to set. The cats find shelter underneath some trees, huddle together to keep each other warm, and fall asleep.

Fawnbriar opens her eyes to find herself in the Dark Forest yet again. She looks around for Fallenstar and spots her standing behind her.

"Oh!" Fawnbriar meows. "Hey Fallenstar!"

"Welcome back," Fallenstar purrs.

"Thank you," Fawnbriar responds. "I have a question for you." She meows.

"What is it dear?" Fallenstar asks, sitting down.

"Did Redclaw or Peachbloom go to the Dark Forest too?" Fawnbriar asks curiously. "I mean, they did bad things too."

"Redclaw did not, but Peachbloom did," Fallenstar answers.

"Can I speak with Peachbloom?" Fawnbriar asks curiously. Fallenstar shakes her head.

"I killed her spirit as soon as she arrived," Fallenstar meows. "I'm sorry if you wanted to learn more about my history by talking to her."

"No, it's fine, I understand." Fawnbriar replies, although she is a little disappointed.

I really wanted to hear her side of the story. Fawnbriar thinks.

"Can you tell me more about Redclaw and your kits then?" Fawnbriar asks. "I can't start training yet, I'm still very injured."

"Of course," Fallenstar answers. "I had two litters with him, six kits total."

"That's insane!" Fawnbriar responds. "What were their names?" She asks.

"Flintflower, Blazekit, Honeyshade, Hazelpelt, Lionfrost, and Embercloud," Fallenstar answers. "Blazekit died of greencough when he was only a moon old."

"That's so sad," Fawnbriar replies.

"I was so in love with Redclaw. I had a big crush on him ever since we were apprentices. It's sad that things turned out the way they did. I never thought he would betray me and even try to murder me," Fallenstar meows. "He was brave, strong, and seemed to be loyal. Him and I were the strongest mates in ShadowClan. He was very handsome too. I always had a thing for dark ginger cats."

"You told me about Blazekit, but what were the other kits like?" Fawnbriar asks, wanting to know everything about Fallenstar before completely trusting her.

"Flintflower and Honeyshade were in my first litter with Blazekit. Flintflower was dark gray-and-white while Honeyshade was a pale ginger tabby," Fallenstar explains. "Flintflower reminded me a lot of myself if nothing went wrong. She was an excellent and loyal warrior. A very sweet cat and a good mother as well. She was mates with the cat who succeeded my leader position, Copperstar. Honeyshade was a good warrior as well, but she had a kit with a loner."

"They sound like they were wonderful warriors," Fawnbriar meows.

"Thank you," Fallenstar responds. "Then, my second litter, Hazelpelt, Lionfrost, and Embercloud. Hazelpelt was a dark gray tabby like myself. She wasn't the best warrior, but she always tried her best and that was the only thing that mattered to her. Lionfrost was a very good ginger-and-white warrior. He was also murdered by the SkyClan cats. Embercloud, my other son, was actually a medicine cat, and he was very good at it too. He was a dark gray tom." Fallenstar shares.

"They sound wonderful," Fawnbriar meows. "I don't understand why Redclaw would not only betray you, but also break the warrior code. He should've been sent to the Dark Forest too because he tried to kill you!" She meows.

"StarClan must've come up with excuses for them," Fallenstar meows. "I was told that I was sent to the Dark Forest for killing five cats." She meows. "I really miss my family."

"I'm sorry," Fawnbriar meows. "I'm technically your family though!" She meows, trying to cheer her up.

"You're right," Fallenstar meows.

"I trust you," Fawnbriar meows with no hesitation.

"It's time for you to leave, Fawnbriar. There's something you have to do." Fallenstar meows. Then, the dark brown tabby wakes up. She notices that it's still dark out, but her belly growls loudly.

It wouldn't hurt to go hunting. Fawnbriar thinks. She stands up and leaves the trees, opening her jaws to catch the scent of any prey. Then, she catches a strong scent of rabbit. So, she crouches low and follows the scent, hoping her paws crunching on the snow won't scare any possible prey. Then, she spots the rabbit, nibbling on a strand of grass poking out from out of the snow. She moves closer but her paws make a loud crunch on top of the snow.

Frogdung! Fawnbriar thinks, noticing as the rabbit darts away. Fawnbriar, not giving up, chases after it. She chases it all the way to it's burrow, where it goes in for safety. Fawnbriar lets out a sigh and looks up above the burrow. The she-cat can't believe her eyes.

It's the exact flower from my dream! Lots of it too! Fawnbriar meows excitedly as she approaches the patch of the flower poking out of the snow. She realizes that she will need more jaws to grab it all, so she quickly dashes off to get the others.

I can't believe it!

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