Chapter 17

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the long absence! Life has been really busy and stressful for me lately. Plus, I wrote Brindleface's Love! Now, here's a new very short chapter!

It is now nighttime and the cats have found shelter underneath a tree. Fawnbriar sighs and lays her chin on her front paws.

"I had a weird dream not long ago." Fawnbriar admits, deciding it is a good time to share the news with the other patrol cats.

"What was it like?" Mistystorm asks, looking over at her.

"I saw this funny-looking flower and that was it. I didn't think it was a big deal at first, but I'm starting to wonder if it's actually the savior we were sent to look for." Fawnbriar shares, looking at the three other cats.

"Maybe it is!" Cinderlight meows happily. "Then this will be much easier and we will return back to ShadowClan in no time!" She meows.

"Don't get so excited yet, Cinderlight. We don't know for sure." Mistystorm reminds the young silver tabby.

"Mistystorm is right. We don't know for sure, but we should keep our eyes open for it just in case. However, if we do find it, we should take it back to ShadowClan as soon as possible." Fawnbriar responds.

"If it lines up with how Daisystar described, underneath a silver light, then we will know for sure it's it." Frostpath meows, rolling over on his back.

"I guess we'll figure it out at some point." Mistystorm murmurs, closing her eyes. "For now, let's just not worry about it and gets some rest." She meows.

"What did it look like, Fawnbriar?" Cinderlight asks her sister.

"The young cats never listen to a single word I say." Mistystorm quietly mumbles, but Fawnbriar ignores her.

"It was deep blue in color and its petals were pointed upwards." Fawnbriar explains. "That's all I can say, really." She meows.

"That's so cool! It sounds pretty. I hope we see it." Cinderlight replies. Then, after some silence, the four cats finally all fell asleep underneath the tree.

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