The Setup

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The following morning, Isaac woke up earlier than Ellena expected. He came out of the house in his shorts to the backyard to help Ellena with the laundry. He found Ellena standing under a tree looking inside of it. Isaac wondered what could be so interesting in the tree. He walked near her and stood beside her and noticed a speckled king snake there.

"It could be poisonous, Ms.," said Isaac.

"I've been living in these forests years before you and your friend came along. So, don't you think I know more about them than you do," replied Ellena.

"Yeah, but even the ones aren't poisonous are dangerous."

Ellena smiled at Isaac and snatch the snake off the tree branch and began to stuff it in a pillowcase. Isaac was completely shocked at what she was doing. Isaac didn't know that this king snake was her supplier for her drug, but sooner he will find out. She used the venom from the snake to make sleeping potions for Jack. Isaac's mind was so wrapped on Ellena that he didn't even think for one second to check on Jack. It's like he forgot Jack existed.

"Isaac, why don't you get a head start on the laundry and I'll be back shortly," said Ellena.

"No problem Ms.," responded Isaac.

Ellena left Isaac standing in the backyard as she went to her bedroom and locked the door and called the prostitution center.

"Hello," said Ellena.

"Am I speaking with Ellena," asked the boss.

"Yes, you are."

"What's going on? I know if has to be business related if you're contacting me."

"I'm afraid I have some things you want."

"Well there's only two things that I want. I want Jack and Isaac, the two boys that escaped."

"You must promise me that you will not harm either of them."

"Ms., do you want your freedom or not. You should only be concerned about you getting out of business with us."

"I will also be concerned about the safety and wellbeing of the kids."

"No harm will come their way. I will send somebody to pick them up tomorrow. In the mean time I need you to keep Jack sedated. Jack could be a viscous one at times."

"I don't plan on keeping him sedated today. I want him to have some fresh air. So, I'll walk him out by the river."

"We'll be there by tomorrow morning. If you don't sedate him during the day. Keep him sedated through out the night please. Isaac won't be so difficult to deal with. I know he'll easily comply."

"Well then, they'll be all yours by tomorrow morning."

"Alright, Ellena, it's a pleasure doing business with you as always."

Ellena hung the phone up and went down to the basement to check on Jack. When she entered Jack was still bound and was frightened by the sight of her. Jack wanted nothing more to be out of this horrid place, but he knew it wasn't going to happen soon. Ellena gently took Jack's hands and cut the rope off and cut the rope off his ankles as well. She noticed the markings around his wrist from struggling to break free and knew that she had to sedate him as soon as she brought him back from the walk. She removed the tape from his mouth, and Jack began to talk but his breath was cut off by the atmosphere in the basement. The air was just about to thick to inhale into your lungs.

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