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I'm ready to fight this bitch. Armani breathes out again and I can feel her mean glance going all over me again and I'm sick of it. Be mad at Tae, she all smiling at him and mugging me and shit after she shot me that elbow. I can still feel it in my mind. Ain't nobody saying shit as we sit here at the dinner table tho. It's chill and calm -- just me, Armani, Delontae, and Dontrell.

It's nice and pleasant sounds of people eating and chillin' in the candlelight with some classy violin music. So I keep my eyes on my plate to be respectful. And to keep from locking eyes with Delontae or Armani. They both keep staring at the hickey right on the top of my titty, in this low neck black dress. I begged Dontrell to do it, just to fuck wit Tae and Armani because they both make me sick, I'm sick of Tae acting like he can't touch me and I'm sick of this bitch thinkin' she know sum'm. She bumped into me and bowed me off her so mean and hard, and it was on purpose. If she had been my age I woulda jumped her. So that was it for me. I done lost my fuckin' mind, I'm practically grown, I know I'm rich and I'm crazy for Delontae and dying for him to say I'm old enough and touch me. And I'm done wit Armani. So now I don't give a fuck.

I move my hair, to make sure Armani and everybody can see my hickey. And I can feel Tae mad as fuck, and Armani all heated up and over there squirming around cuz she just swear Tae did it.  This what she get for bumpin' all into me and cutting her fuckin' eyes at me like I'm supposed to be scared. I'm tired of this bitch, she needs to go at her damn husband. But like Dontrell said, she too scared to do dat so she fuckin' with me. Dontrell mad wit her for bumpin' and elbowing me too. And it's on. I didn't start this shit but I'll damn shol finish it. Fuck this bitch, I ain't no little girl. Not no more.

I throw my hair off my hickey again. And Delontae squirms like hell. 


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Yep. I'm petty. Armani keeps lookin' at it and Dontrell sittin' right here so she can't say he ain't do it, but she know her fuckin' husband did it. And he know I'm trying him, but Delontae can't do shit but get mad.

I smile at Dontrell when he catches me looking at him. He smile back like he wanna laugh so fuckin' bad. He just clears his throat and keep eating. I smirk.


I'm sick of this shit! I seethe and boil and feel hollowed out on the inside, staring at that hickey, she got so much nerve, barely even 15 sitting here taunting me and fucking with me!

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I'm sick of this shit! I seethe and boil and feel hollowed out on the inside, staring at that hickey, she got so much nerve, barely even 15 sitting here taunting me and fucking with me!

"I wanna shop here for the baby tomorrow baby," I break the slience and tell my husband, reminding her lil ass that he's still fuckin' me, I got his kids, and he's MY husband!!!

"Okay," Delontae tells me, with his eyes on Aisha.

"Look! Come on Dontrell let's go over to the big desert table," Aisha tells her boyfriend and they get up from the table and walk off laughing. The nerve of that lil  bitch! She fucking with me, trying to get to me -- I'm done.

"Hold up, I've gotta make a business call, I'll be right back," Delontae tells me watching Aisha so hard he ain't even paying me no fucking attention! Look at this shit!!

That's it.

And I don't know where this darkness comes from.. as I picture all that shit she purchased, that he just threw away to play that lil power game with her.. and I heard him on the phone when he finally came out of her room.

"Yeah, it's for my daughter, but's like a Cartier necklace with like, yeah the big one, with the handcuffs like in diamonds, that's it -- I wanna surprise my daughter with it, she done went and bought some bullshit that costs like 9 gees I'm like -- hell yeah that's what I'm sayin', I might as well spend the 12 and let her rock the Cartier shit so she can stunt on her lil friends. I know it, she spoiled..." Delontae was fucking buying her some more shit!

I sit here and fume while I vision Miss Mary coming into our suite, to gently place his picture back on the dresser, in a new frame... then she stripped the sheets from our bed and changed them.. and then she made up the bed. So perfect. And then Delontae finally walked in, and he surveyed the room. His eyes in the end, landing on the picture. And he breathed out as if satisfied.

And something suddenly controls my hand, and it's not me Lord, but a dooming dark feeling, shutting off my very breath -- when I open this Chanel bag, and slowly look around this enormous patio restaurant... and see Aisha and Dontrell laughing and tasting deserts with her fucking  phone, pressed to her fucking ear... and I know that's Delontae. He left the table to call her and chew her out about showing that fucking hickey. He is SO fucking obvious.

And I hear the music, gently pulling me, and pushing my hand to glide down into this bag, my fingers of another mind, unzipping my cosmetic bag.. I look up again. And the music truly sounds like Heaven in a gypsy's land of passion... as I silently pull the Visine drops from my bag, and squeeze, quickly, ever-so-quickly dropping Visine Allergy drops into Aisha's drink. And I slide the tiny bottle back into my purse.

It happened in an instant. But planted on my brain is the image of the three, clear watery plops of the eyedrop.. I watch the liquid make a tiny swirl in the sprite in her glass.. and dissolve...

Delontae! Yes -- the birth of a plan to get my revenge, truly -- it sends a jolt of burning energy through my veins. It's telling me -- Get him too, the darkness in my body tells me as I slide the Visine back out of my purse again... and Dontrell. Or it looks suspicious the darkness possesses me and eggs me on..

And then I slide the bottle back into my purse, once again... I look around me. I can do this, I tell myself as the darkness gives me confidence, in what seems like a perfect plan.

I know exactly what I'm about to do, and I'm in it now, the darkness has consumed me. And I don't give a fuck. Ain't no stopping me. I'm about to end this sick ass, disgusting ass shit. Once and for all.

All he had to do was love me. That's all he had to do. But he chose to play with my heart like this instead.

AISHA: AISHA GOT ITWhere stories live. Discover now