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-years later-
Life as a kpop idol does get stressful at times, but overall it is the best thing ever. My group Mischievous Children have become famous world wide. Our new song Far to long reached 127 million in a day. I'm now 25, we started Mischievous Children when I was almost 17. These girls are truly my best friends. Me and Fara haven't talked to our parents in awhile, meaning bts. I don't blame them they have busy schedules and we have busy schedules. I see them on TV sometimes and I believe they can say the same about us. I have moved out of the dorm and me and Jisung have an apartment together. We both are still in kpop, but now we live together. Today me and my group will be going on tour in America for a month or two.

"Hey ivy are you ready?" Fara asked walking in my apartment. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said smiling. Me and Fara were both pretty upset that bts, our parents, have not contacted us in awhile but we try to get over it. "Alright grab your suitcase let's head to the airport" she said. I walked to my room and grabbed my suitcase. "Leaving already" Jisung said giving me a back hug. "Yeah I'll be back before you know it" I said and smiled. "I'll miss you" he said. "I'll miss you too" I replied. He gave me a soft peck on the lips and I left.

"Come on girl get in!" I heard Ali yell as she was leaning over the backseat bumping the horn. "Ali stop the driver is getting annoyed" Rei said. I put my suitcase in the back and sat beside Fara. "Alrighty ladies let's get it!" I chimed. "Whoop whoop that's the spirit" Fara said.

The drive to the airport wasn't as long as I expected. We were boarding the plane and I was kinda excited for America. This was our first big comeback, so everyone was excited.

"Fara give me back my pillow" Ali said. "This is my pillow" Fara replied. "No you see the initial it says A." Ali said. "No it, okay never mind it does. Then where is my pillow?" Fara asked. "Fara you have a million pillows why are you looking for one?" Rei asked. "Well its Koya and its special to me" Fara said. "Here Fara I found it" I said throwing it to her. "Thank you ivy" she replied. "Alright guys you all need to rest their is a big difference in time" Jessika said and we all went to sleep.

-time skip-
We finally landed, everyone was still asleep so I decided to start waking people up. "Wake up Everybody" I said and banged some pots and pans together. "Alright we are up stop with the noises" Ali said and Rei chunked her pillow at me. Once we got off the plane we went to grab our bags. It took a little while before everyone's bags were collected, but we finally got them all. America was actually pretty. Jessika said we are in California and it was gorgeous. I saw so many people and lights just from landing. I couldn't wait and I could tell neither could anyone else.

We started walking so we could leave to head to the hotel. Once we got to the car we put our bags in the trunk and we started off. "Alright ladies we are gonna stay in the _______ hotel, so once we get inside get some rest we have a big day tomorrow" Jessika said as we pulled into the hotel. We all grabbed our bags and headed to our rooms.

I started unpacking when someone came up behind me and hit me with something soft. When I turned around I noticed it was Rei looking for a fight. "Your on" I said ready to beat her. I took the pillow off my bed and we started hitting each other. Pillows were flying everywhere when Fara walked in. "Come on guys you heard the man get some rest" Fara said. Me and Rei both threw a pillow at her. She ducked, "I mean it" she said and left.

"Alright let's sleep" Rei said. "I thought you'd never ask" I said giggling.

-the next day-
"Get up y'all lazy fuckers!" Ali yelled. "Ali we are in a hotel you can wake others up" Fara said. "Well if they weren't awake already they are now" Ali said. "Um okay" I said. "But get dressed dudes" Ali said.

After we all got dressed we climbed into the van to get going. "Alright ladies this will be your first concert" Jessika said as we stepped out and walked into a huge arena. "Get the mics set and everything you'll be performing in a few hours." She said and left. Rei and Ali were smiling way to much. "Are y'all okay?" Me and Fara asked. "Um yeah nothing is up" Ali said. "Ouch" Ali said again after Rei hit her in the arm. They all went to Jessika and started talking about something and made it where me and Fara couldn't hear.

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