Photo shoot?!

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Today was the day that my relationship would be announced to the public. Fun

"Ahhh give me my slippers!!" Taehyung yelled. "Sorry Noona" Jungkook said. "Just because I'm older than you and I am the girl in this relationship doesn't mean you can call me Noona" Tae replied. "Nani?!" Hobi yelled from the kitchen. "This isn't memes now get your asses ready" Suga said.

We finally arrived at where the photo shoot was gonna be after an awkward car ride.

"Hey guys did y'all check ya Twitter" Jin said. "We all share the nevermind, what did you see?" RM asked. "Oh dang I thought we told them Fara?" Jin turned to Fara. "Wait I thought we did too" Fara said. "Hmm" Jin said. "Anyways what we saw was Ivy's relationship has just became public" Fara said. "It's like number one trending" Seungmin said. Wait Seungmin when did he get here?! "Oh yeah I saw that article this morning" Hyunjin spoke, wait Hyunjin when where and how? "Oh I saw it too" Lee Know said. Wait Lee Know ugh nevermind I'm done asking. "Yes I'm trending" Jisung said. Wait how the fuck did he get behind me?! Omo these boys.

"Alright so Stray Kids members except for Jisung head to room C we are gonna work on a romantic concept I believe. Bts members except for Ivy head to room E we are gonna work on a killer concept I'm pretty sure. And last but certainly not least Ivy and Jisung head to room A you will be doing a collaboration of the two concepts." Hyan said. "But first go to the stylists they should have your outfits ready, also before you go a few of you from each group are gonna dye your hair." Stray Kids manager said. "Not my golden locks!" Jin screamed. "I won't not again" he said again. "Alright Jin we get it you don't have to" Hyan said. "Anyways Ivy and Jisung will be dying your hair snow cap with blue tips on Jisung and blue streaks on Ivy." Stray Kids manager said I think his name was Jason. "Woojin, Hyunjin, and Lee Know will dye their hair and Taehyung, Jungkook, and RM will dye theirs." Hyan spoke. "What colors?" Fara asked. "Woojin pink, Hyunjin dark purple. Lee Know blue. Taehyung dark red, Jungkook faded purple, and RM black. Also Fara we were wondering if you would dye your hair it's not you have to just something we were wondering" Jason said. "What color if I did it?" Fara asked. "That's my girl always asking questions just like me her mother, I raised that one" Jin spoke looking like the proud mother he is. "Pastel pink" Hyan said. "Alright I'll do it" Fara said.

-time skip-
My hair just got done and omo it looks so good, I got my outfit and now I'm just waiting for the makeup artists.

"Wow you look um.... amazing" Jisung said. "Thank you" I replied. "Woah the hair tho" I said. "I know right, it's really cool and soft" he said. "Really?" I questioned. "Yah feel" he said grabbing my hand to pet him.    "Wah that is soft, I wish mine was like that" I said in a pout. "Yours looks great, trust me" he said. "Thank you" I said.

-time skip-
It was now time for the actually photo shoot, I haven't seen the other stray kids members or bts since I got my hair done but oh well I just hope everything is going good.

-meanwhile with bts-
"Ya know if you keep combing my hair like that there won't be anything left to comb" Suga said. "Who pissed in your cheeros?" Fara asked him. "Jungkook..." Suga replied. "I did not, I pissed in Jimin's, wait that sounds wrong" Jungkook said. "I'm sorry but like do you see this face no wonder I'm world wide handsome" Jin said. "....." everyone. "I'm the visual" Tae said breaking the silence. "Ahcjvrocrnvrkenec" Hobi said. "What?" RM asked. "I just dropped an F bomb" Jimin said. "You farted?" Suga asked. "No I mean I cursed" Jimin said. "Omo you cursed your pants, did you bring an extra pair?" Suga asked. "Omg this boy takes everything so literal" Jin said still admiring himself.

-meanwhile with stray kids-
"I.N. get down from there!" Bang Chan said. "But Felix scared me" I.N. replied. "Doesn't mean you can just hang out on top of the lamp post!?" Changbin said. "It's actually nice up here" I.N. said. "Get the fuck down?!" They all shouted. "Yasssss ma'ams" I.N. said and started climbing down. "Wait did he just call us Females?" Woojin said. "Ooo when he gets down here I'm gonna~" Lee Know started popping his knuckles. "And I'm going back up" I.N. said climbing back up.

-back to me-
Me and Jisung followed our photographer Jaemin to where we needed to go. We ended up taking a few outside pictures. Since we were doing romantic killers we got to use fake blood. It was fun. It was time to take our last picture.

"Okay so come and put some fake blood on your hands" Jaemin said rubbing it on both of our hands. "So now stand in front of the sun set, okay a little left and perfect right there" Jaemin said. "Now Jisung put your hands around her waist, Ivy look up at him wrap your hands around his neck" Jaemin continued. "Question would you too be okay with a kiss in this?" Jaemin asked. I was shocked I didn't know what to say so I just looked at Jisung who was already looking at me and blushing. He than came closer and whispered, "only if you want to." I thought for a minute "Alright that's fine" I said to Jaemin. "Okay then you both just kiss and I'll get a picture" Jaemin said.

-end of photoshoot-
We went to go check out everyone else's photos and omo they looked so good. Bts had one where they just all stood there looked at the camera and blood was covering them and the floor, that was my favorite. My favorite Stray Kids one would probably be the one when they are all in a field, that one is just cute.

"Omo look at Jisung and Ivy's last picture." Jimin said. "Ooo get it girl you did it like a boss" Jin said snapping. "Alright guys you can head home because tomorrow we plan dancing and producing depending who you are, get plenty of rest." Jason said. "I'll text you" Jisung said. "Okay I'll reply" I said with a smile. "Of course you will" he said with a wink, we then hugged and parted ways for now. "Oh ivy and Fara by the way starting next week we wanted y'all to train from Tuesday-Thursday for your own group. But only if that's not to much on y'all?" Hyan said. "Ahh that's fine we can't wait" Fara said.

Today was Friday so I had a few days until my official trainee days, "this will probably be very exciting and a huge work out all roled into one big sushi cabob" Fara said. "Haha preach it" I said. I then slept like a baby that night until I heard an ear piercing cry.......

Of course it was my alarm clock

A/N: sorry if this sucked I tried to come up with ideas but I'm also falling asleep on myself. I almost passed out writing this😂. Anyways just know I love you all, please keep reading and comment if any grammar issues or if you have any suggestions byeeee.

~Jeon Jaetae💞

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