No you go

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-at the dorm-
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" said Jin. "Only what you told me" said Jungkook. "It's upside down you idiot" said Suga. "No I think it's backwards." Said Jimin. "Do you guys seriously not know how to tie a bow?" I said. "It's not ad easy as it looks" Tae said tied in string. "Wait I though you were suppose to wrap it around the box first?" RM said. "Are you flipping kidding me!?" Fara said. "Wait so it was suppose to already be on the box?" Jungkook asked. "I'm done with all of you." Jin said. He then grabbed him jacket and walked out the house.

We all just threw the box and bows on the floor because we kind of just gave up and went to see where Jin went

"I don't see him anywhere" Jimin said. "What about the _______ restaurant, it's his favourite" RM said. "Let's go look and I'm hungry anyways" said Jungkook. "You're always hungry" said Tae. "Only for you baby" Jungkook said licking his lips. "Shut up Kook, kids are here you slut" Jhope said. "Not like we haven't see it before" Me and Fara. "I'll deal with you later" Tae said smiling while grabbing Jungkook by the tie and pulling him closer. "Wait I see Jin!!" RM said.

We all walk in the restaurant and see Jin sitting in a booth. "Why did you leave?" RM asked. "Just wanted some coffee" Jin said smiling. "Well since we here, why don't we all eat?" Jungkook said. "Best idea you've had all day" Jimin said.

The waiter came up to us asking what we wanted to drink. "What would you all like to drink?" The waiter asked. "Coffee" Jin and RM said. "Pepsi." - Tae and Fara. "Dr.Pepper" -me and Jungkook. "What would you like Suga?" Jhope asked. "Whatever floats your boat Hobie" Suga stated. "2 Malibu cocktails please" -Jhope. "" -Suga. "Oh one for me 2 please" Jimin said. "I said whatever floats your boat" -Suga. "I know that's why I got you what I was gonna get" -Jhope. "Boats float on water Hobie, NOT MALIBU COCKTAILS!" -Suga. "Well maybe they should try it some time" -Hobie. "But it might be a little to 'fruity" Jin said laughing. "Get it because Malibu cocktails are fruity" -Jin. "I'll give you that one, up top" Jhope said giving Jin a high five. "I'm gonna kill you" Suga said while grabbing Jhopes neck colar. "Wow Suga calm down, what Hobie meant to say is we all aren't as smart as you" RM said.

-the next day-
We all sat down on the couch about to watch a movie until we heard the doorbell ring. RM and Jin walked to the door and a tall man walked in. "Hey guys this is our manager Kim Hyan lee" RM said. "Nice to meet you ladies, just call my Hyan." The man said. "So Hyan what brings you here?" Jhope asked jumping up from the couch. "Well see, I need to speak with all of you on very important matters, can you please all meet me at the kitchen table?" He said. We all looked concerned as we walked to sit down. He started talking, "See since you adopted the girls, many Army's members have been asking about them, and they wanted an interview with you all." "Okay, what's the big deal?" Jimin asked. "See the interview is tomorrow" Hyan stated. "Holy Taco mighty lords, I got to get ready. It takes time to get me looking this good." Fara said. "Well I'll let y'all get to it, but you all have to be ready and on set at 3pm sharp, see you there" Hyan said as he left.

-the next morning-
"EVERYONE WAKE YOUR LAZY ASSES UP AND GET DRESSED WE AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THIS, WE GOING IN FRONT OF CAMERAS IN 3 HOURS!!" Jhope yelled while banging to pans together. Everyone was running everywhere to get dressed and get in the car and I'm surprised we even made it in time and before we knew it we were there....

-on stage-
"Hello my name is Jessika Reids, and I'm your talk show host on 'today's top news'. Right now we have bts and there knew found children?" The lady said. "So RM almost all bts fans have heard the story of you adopting two young ladies at one of y'all concert, but not everyone has really been able to see who they are" she said. "Well why not we introduce them" RM said signaling for us to come on stage. As we walked out everyone was clapping and the Ms.Reids started asking us questions. "So how long have you 2 been apart of ARMY?" She asked. "Well we have been fans of bts since we were in the 6th grade, so around 4 years" Fara said. "Well that's a long time" she said. "Most people have biases, who's were y'all before all this happened?" She asked. "Well mine was Suga and Jungkook because my personality betrayed both of them" I said. "And mine was RM" Fara stated. She asked us a few more questions but then she went and asked the guys some. "So how has it been living with these to young ladies?" She asked them. The mic was passed around to each member for different statements. "They have such great talent, and Fara has been like an actually child of mine, we have a lot in common and we just hang a lot" RM said. "I am so glad that I can raise them just like I did our young Kookie" Jin said ruffiling Kooks hair. "They are just downright amazing in my opinion" -Jhope. "They are adorable and so young and they make us feel like an actually family" -Jimin. "I love hanging with them both, and Ivy has some good video game qualities. They are great people and I can't wait for the many more years to come." -V. "They are great people and Ivy has hung out with me a lot. She is like the child I never had because we are so similar but different. And I love doing pranks with her and stuff." -Jungkook. "I love them both dearly. Fara has amazing vocals and so does Ivy. I have a lot of connections with Ivy and she is literally a mini me, and I feel a short of father-daughter connection with her." -Suga. "So as you can see we have all grown pretty close to these girls, and we already know it is gonna be fun with them" RM said. After a few more questions it was finally over and we decided to go to the Mall to get makeovers before our new song came out.

-the mall-
Me, Suga, and Jungkook decided to get our hair dyed and then we all ended up buying some new shoes and a few outfits. We were all just walking around when me and Faras phones started ringing. "OMG FINALLY WE GOT A HOLD OF YOU GUYS" Sarah yelled. "We heard the news, is it true?" Jade said. "What news?" I asked. "That you and Fara got adopted by bts" Kam said. " yes it's true" Fara said making them all scream. "So tell me how does my manz look in person?" Sarah said. "He is as adorable as ever" Fara said. "Um excuse me" Jimin said making him visible on the FaceTime screen. "But who's her manz?" He asked. "You..." I said. "Ooo he is sexy fine let me get a closer look" Sarah said making Jimin blush. "Omg we also saw y'all on TV" Jade said. "Yup" Suga said intruding. "Well we miss y'all, come visit when y'all can, and glad y'all are happy" Kam said. And then we all hung up. "Well that was fun" Jin said. "Who's hungry?" RM asked. "ME!!!" We all screamed. "Okay jeez" RM said.

-at ______ café-
We all ordered our regular drinks and for once there was no arguments and we even ordered our food still sane, that's the first. "Can you pass the salt Rapmonster?" Jungkook asked. "Who called me Rapmonster?" RM said. We all had that ut oh look on our faces. "I said who tf called me Rapmonster!?" He asked again. "Well we're in for it" Jimin whispered. "DON'T CALL ME RAPMONSTER, MY NAME IS MOTHER FUCKIN RM, GET IT RIGHT" RM screamed. "Why are you so upset about your name?" Suga asked. "Shut up.... um Agust D." RM shot back. "Okay and at least I'm not ashamed of mine" Suga said sipping his coffee. "Okay fine whatever I'm sorry" RM said. "You better be" Suga said.

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