Chapter Sixteen

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Some people want your first time with someone you cared for to be special, candles, romance, and dildos.

That seemed to not be the case with Harry and I. Harry seemed to be the one to go for romance, but this...those moments from the dress store to my flat were pure lust and sweat.

I could still feel the tingling in my thighs from harry as I got ready for work, dreading the fifteen hours I'd spend with my awkward neighbor who snitched me out, making me feel guilty about the whole situation I put myself in.

With a sigh, I finished applying my makeup and looked myself the mirror, finally really looking at myself. My dull dirty blonde hair and plain blue eyes never could satisfy me. I didn't see the beauty that my... my... my-

"Sugar Daddies."

I whispered to myself, leaning against the counter and judging my own self at that moment.

I mean, that's all i could think of. Liam was married and we had sex. I'm quite sure the day I met Zayn, he was wearing a wedding ring, but I didn't exactly pay attention, but looking at Zayn? Who would even think to look for one, I mean come on.

Another sigh escaped me as I began to put my make up into its bag.

I shouldn't do this. They all were so kind and love able, really.

Niall knew about my disease ridden mother, Liam was so caring, but the best kind of tease in the sheets- ending with you quaking and breathing as if you've ran for miles. Louis was trusting, a best friend with exceptional benefits, which were experienced often. Harry was romantic and sexy, his appearance alone held the secrets to the way he was in bed, I could practically hear his grunts and moans in my mind as my eyes fell shut, my bottom lip was quickly pulled between my teeth as I tried not to make myself horny before work.

"Deep breathes."

I whispered, putting my wet hair up into a ponytail before sliding on my work visor, pouting at my work uniform.

Slowly and silently, I snuck from my bathroom, flicking the light off as I crept past a slumbering harry, grabbing my phone off the charger and my purse, tossing my charger inside before tip toeing out of my room and closing the door behind me.

A smile formed on my lips as I made my way towards my door, grabbing a notebook from my coffee table that my mother had sent me for college that started next month, being I still hadn't had enough money to get any.

Quickly, I wrote Harry a sweet note that I was at work and to call me later.

I really needed to check on my mom. I missed her, but every time I wanted to talk, she was always too sick to talk. Deep inside, I knew she wasn't going to live much longer, but instead of attending a community college, she demanded that I study abroad like I've always wanted. She hated the fact that her sickness kept me from succeeding, but I hadn't had minded.

For her sake, I moved. I did this for her, but I have a feeling this will be a mistake soon. My guts felt edgy as made my way to my door.

And when I opened the door, I knew why.

"Well, this is a coincidence."

Louis chuckled, dropping his fist from his knocking position.

Everything in my body tensed as I looked at him while he walked inside.


I said quietly, forcing a smile as a nervous laugh escaped me while he walked in. My eyes flicked to my clock. I had thirty minutes to get to work, I need about twenty to walk.

sugar daddies † o.d [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now