Chapter Two

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As soon as I got out of the airport, I was lucky enough to flag down a taxi that was about to leave but unfortunately wasn't the only one who decided to climb into the taxi.

"Evergreen restaurant."

The man said, sliding his aviators off and tucking them away in his black blazers pocket.

My eyes quickly trailed over his black suited body before stopping at his face as he spoke into his phone in French with slightly angered voice, a frown between his eyebrows. His vibrant green eyes stood out against his slightly pale face, his brown hair pushed back and tucked under a slightly large black fedora, some of his hair escaping the hat.

Quickly, my gaze shifted as I looked away from his face as I realized I was staring, but my mind began to become clouded with thoughts of him.

This must be a sign from Jesus telling me I needed to get a man already.


The taxi driver snapped loudly, catching the man and I attention.


I asked quickly as the taxi driver looked over his shoulder at me with a frown.

"Are you going to continue gawking at the lad or are you going to give me directions?"

A blushes tinted my cheeks as I stammered out the directions to my flat as the man chuckled, his gaze fixed on me before focusing back on his call.

As the taxi driver pulled out into the street, the man hung up with whoever he was talking to , glancing back to me.

"Did you enjoy the view?"

He asked, smiling playfully as I felt my cheeks began to burn sheepishly.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

I joked because I'd have to be completely shit faced to say he wasn't anything but damn sexy.

His smile widened as he laughed softly and held out a hand.

"Well, I'm Harry Styles."

"Mercedes Cross. Pleasure to meet you Harry Styles."

I spoke, taking his hand and shaking it.

"The pleasure is mine."

He said, inclining his head before biting his lip as my cheeks heated up once more.

Our conversation quickly died as we sat there looking at each other, smiles dancing on our faces and laughter escaping our lips as we realized we were still holding hands.

"Well Mercedes Cross, you have the bluest eyes. It's very intriguing."

Harry said with a chuckle as we let go of each other hand.

"Why thank you Harry Styles, you have stunning green eyes."

I said, batting my eyelashes playfully, all awkwardness and bashfullness seeming to vanish in thin air.

"Thank you, Mercedes Cross. I think my heart skipped a beat hearing you say that."

He said, laying a hand over his heart, letting out a breath and pretending to swoon.

"Oh shut up."

I said with a laugh as I shook my head and smiled.

"Make me."

He teased with a grin. I huffed and shook my head.


"It's one of my favorite characteristics about myself."

He said smugly as he brushed off his shoulders.

"Oh my god."

I said, playfully rolling my eyes and covering my face with my hands.

"Harry Styles, you're one crazy man."

I continued with a shake of my head as I dropped my hands into my lap and smiles over at him sweetly.

"So I've been told."

He said as he put his phone into his pocket and chuckled.

"Oh yeah? What else has anyone called you?"

I questioned with a quiet hum.

"Well, I'm mostly called good looking and sexy,"

He said numbering off on his fingers with a cheeky smile which made me roll my eyes again at him.

"But I've been called a genius, pro golfer, I've been mistaken for a football player before, prince- of course, male model,"

The rest of the ride we spent going back and forth asking each other questions and joking around.

Harry was a genuine guy really. He owned a bunch of famous bakeries in England that his father passed down to him when he retired when Harry was 19. Harry didn't want to be a bakery owner all that much throughout the years so he went to college and got a culinary degree and business before opening up some restaurants around London, also getting people to open up some in America in the more populated cities.

We didn't even realize the taxi driver arrived until he interrupted us, telling Harry the amount he owed, his voice overriding ours.

"Well, crap, Mercedes. I guess this is it."

Harry said with a frown as I bit my lip and pouted slightly.

"I guess you're right."

I said as harry pulled his wallet from his blazer pocket with a sigh.

"I think we should defiantly meet up sometime."

He said as he pulled out the amount of money he owed and gave it to the driver.

"We should."

I said, nodding with a smile.

"Alright. I'm free this Friday, are you?"

He asked quickly, opening the door.

"Yes, I'm pretty much free this whole week."

I rushed without thinking before mentally slapping myself. Great going Mercedes. Now he's going to think you have no friends, which is true but still.

"Perfect. Meet me here at eight on Friday, Mercedes Cross, if it's not too much of a problem."

"No, no. I'll see you then."

I spoke as he climbed out.

"M'kay Mercedes. I'll see you then."

He said leaning down and smiling at me.

"Alright, Harry. See you then."

I said before he nodded and closed the door.

With a smile, I looked out the window and watched as Harry walked into the restaurant while the taxi pulled off towards my flat.

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