Chapter Thirteen

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"Yes, he's been calling and texting me ever since. He doesn't understand I don't have a boyfriend, Luke."

I spoke into the phone, frowning.

"Well if he's a pain just say you're not interested."

"I can't just do that.."

I said frowning as I spoke quietly, fixing my work uniform as I began to walk towards my door.

"You're gonna have to. You can't really play them like this Mercedes.."

"Wait- what?"

I said as I abruptly stopped walking.

"Whoa whoa, so now you say this?! Weren't you the one saying I should do this just last month?!"

I almost yelled, my anger suddenly turning on him.

"I know, but I've been think-"

I took a deep breath and quickly hung up. Nope.

I wasn't even going to begin a fight. This move was suppose to change you in a positive way, not fuck you up more. Plus, I don't need negativity before work. Boss said happy attitudes and happy smiles or no pay.

Just as I walked to my door, a knock sounded causing my to jump slightly.

"Who is it?"

I questioned, walking to the door and slowly unlocking it before pulling it open.


I spoke, my eyes falling onto his disheveled hair and angry eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me, huh? Was I your little game?"

He snapped, his eyebrows quickly furrowing as he barged through my door.

"What? Zayn, I really don't know what you're talking about.."

I lied as I followed him, closing the door behind me as my hands began to sweaty, my body becoming rigid.

"Don't lie to me!"

He snapped loudly, turning to me with a cold gaze. Zayn was quick to believe what people say.

"Jesus Christ Zayn calm down..."

I said as watched him closely.

"How could you just-"

He rambled as I walked to him.

"I don't have a boyfriend, Zayn- jesus- I barely moved here almost two months ago."

"Then why did-"

"I don't know!"

I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Maybe instead of believing other people, you should come ask me first."

"I'm sorry, I just- I don't know.."

Zayn spoke with a heavy sigh.

"It's fine, but I have to go to work or I'm going to be late."

I said quickly, grabbing my satchel and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Here. I'll give you a ride."

Zayn said, pulling out his keys as I grabbed my phone off the counter an dropped it into my satchel with a nod.


"No problem. He spoke, as he took my hand and pulled me out of my flat."

† † †

"Hey, call me after work okay?"

He asked as I opened my door. I nodded with a smile, leaning over and soft pressing my lips to his.

Zayn gently cupped my cheek as the winter air snuck into the warmth of his car, chilling me as we slowly kissed.

"I will, thank you for the ride."

I whispered softly, planting a chaste kiss onto his lips before climbing out as Zayn smiled.

"Always, see you after work!"

"Alright, bye."

I said, closing the door and waving before walking into the small café I worked at.

Most of the employees greeted me as I went to clock in, waiting for my trainer.

"Well, this will be an awkward day.."

Michael spoke, causing me to look to my right to see him standing there, his bright like green hair carefully disheveled.

"Oh. I guess."

I said, my cheeks sheepishly tinting a light pink.

"I'm guessing you're my trainer for the day."

I continued, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the boss is out for the day.."

"It's fine. We should get to work now, I'd rather get this day over with."

I said, brushing past him as I grabbed a dark green apron and visor like hat, sliding it onto my head as I walked out the employee lounge.

"Yeah, me too."

Michael spoke awkwardly. A sigh escaped me before I spent the next ten hours listening to him take customers orders and learning how to work the register properly.

Finally, the day ended and Michael closed the café, and we mopped, swept, and cleaned off the booths and tables before taking out the trash and finally shutting off the lights, locking the doors.

With a goodbye, Michael parted ways with me and headed home as I waited for Zayn.

Slowly a minute grew into ten which became an hour. Zayn never answered and of my texts and his phone went straight to voicemail with every call.

A groan escaped me as I shivered in the brisk air and prayed it wouldn't start snowing, but of course, it did.

On a whim,I dialed a number, knowing full and well he'd come to get me as soon as I called.

"Harry, I need help."

sugar daddies † o.d [ DISCONTINUED ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن