Chapter Three

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Ever since I met Harry and Louis, I couldn't stop thinking of them. It's be at least a few days since I gave them my number. Neither had contacted me yet.

Anxiety and embarrassment held me back from reaching out first.

I couldn't call them. The girl was never suppose to make contact, right? A breath escaped me as I set my phone down on the coffee table in front of me.

Currently, I was sitting on my couch attempting to watch reruns of Doctor Who, but my rejection and anxiety kept coaxing my focus back to my phone, forcing me to once again check my phone.


I groaned, seeing my notifications empty. Leaning back against the couch, I closed my eyes and rubbed my face with my hands.

Suddenly, a perfect and heaven like vibration occurred against the coffee table, causing me to shoot back up and quickly grab my phone to see a number on it with a message displayed beside it.

Hey Mercedes it's Niall.

A smile lifted onto my lips as I unlocked my phone while my mind flashed back to when i met him, just hours ago.

"Your mom made me put some money into your bank account, so you can start looking for a car, babe."

Luke said as I set a box of cereal into my cart, nodding with a slight smile.

"Alright, tell her I said thank you."

"Okay, but Merc?"

Luke spoke, his voice becoming quieter and more serious. Nervousness bit at me.


I said, slowly pushing the cart down the grocery isle.

"Are you going to come back and visit us?"

He almost whispered, a soft sigh escaping him.

"Yes, I'm coming down in a few weeks."

I said with confidence even though I knew with the flat and the cost of a car, I'd have to work more than one job, that I still needed to get, to get a plane ticket too.

"Alright, we'll be waiting."

Luke chuckled and I heard shuffling in the background.

"I know, hopefully it'll be sooner."

"Hopefully Merc, hopefully."

I nodded as I walked out of the cereal isle, trying to locate the canned food isle.

"The doctor just arrived, I'll call you later before I go to sleep, okay?

"Alright, bye Luke. Tell my mom I love her."

"Okay babe. Bye."

He said before we hung up. I shoved my phone into my back pocket as I located the canned food isle.

I slowly walked down to isle, looking at the various foods before picking out the ones sounded or I recognized and setting them into my cart.

My eyes glanced up at the entrance to the isle ahead of me as I watched a couple laugh, joking around with each other.

A sigh escaped me as I felt a spark of jealousy settle in my stomach. I looked back to the cans when I saw the guy look at me, a smile rising on his lips as they both walked, the girl searching through the cans on the opposite shelves.

The girl had bright red hair and was dressed casually in white shorts and a band shirt.

The guy, who had ventured from the girl to the side of the shelves just a few feet from me, had blonde hair with dark brown roots with kind facial features, finished off with caring blue eyes and soft looking lips.

I found my mind wondering what his lips would feel like pressed against mine as my gaze roamed over the canned food.



I quickly typed onto my keyboard, a smile shooting up on my lips before I realized he'd only sent the text moments ago. A sigh escaped me as I closed my eyes, mumbling,

"Calm down Mercedes, calm down."

My eyes flickered to the tv as I forced myself to lock my phone screen and watch the tv as calmly as I could.

But really in the back of my mind, fireworks were being set off with the simple thought that three really handsome men were actually interested in me, whether it was for a friendship or not.

"Maybe I'm just their booty call."

I whispered, looking down at my phone. My more flirtatious and alluring side was slapping me in the back of the head, telling me that they were hot, so why not? While my innocent side pouted and told me to stop thinking of them so negatively. Damn those angel and demon's on my shoulders.

How are you?

Niall replied as I sat up straighter and bit my lip, staring down at my phone- questioning how I was really.

I'm great. You?

I replied as if he was just another friend or person.

Same I guess, but hey- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something soon?

Whoa. He wanted to hang out? Wait- did that mean like a date hang out or friends hang out. Oh Jesus. Just say yes Merc.

Oh sure, niall. I'd love to

I replied after a minute of thought with a bit of my lip.

"Maybe th-"

Hey hey hey it's Harry

"oh my-"

I said, a smile tainting my lips.


I replied, leaning back against my couch.

Alright Mercedes, I'll call you with the details

Niall replied just before harry replied back causing my phone to vibrate twice.

How are you babe? (:

As my conversation died down with niall due to his work, Harry and I continued talking which somehow turned into a pointless conversation about me and my bad reputation of horseback riding that had me cracking up like a weirdo.

By the time midnight rolled around, I had the phone to my ear laying on my bed while Harry played his favorite songs off his computer.

Harry was actually really amazing.


umie, I'm sorry i even published this chapter bc it sucks bæ's but bear with me. I've had writers block and stress, so I apologize for the sucky chapter. I definitely owe you guys a chapter tomorrow

ily all 🌺💕💐🐋

p.s. Thanks for all the reads in votes- jeez I love you all tysm

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