Giant List Ruh Roh Raggy

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Eva: Jesus that was fast Ellie! Calm yourself!

Eva: Hey Gladi, What is one thing you like about yourself? Ellie wants to know

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Eva: Hey Gladi, What is one thing you like about yourself? Ellie wants to know

Gladion: You mean other than my mad battling skills and my cool aesthetic and my awesome little sister? 

Lillie: Wait you think I'm awesome?

Gladion: I'd have to say my ability to keep calm under pressure... on a good day. And how I managed to get so many fangirls. *flicks hair back and winks at the fangirls*

Hau: *smiles but is lowkey jealous*

Eva: We stan a self confident boi. Alright! Ilima, where are you?

Ilima: Yes? I am needed?

Eva: We have an ask for you! What is the most w,harassing thing you've ever done on a date?

Ilima: ... Like a play date when I was a child?

Eva: ??? No? Like a regular date.

Ilima: *innocent smile* I've never been on a romantic date, so I wouldn't know. I've just taken Mina on a pretend date to appease her parents once.

Eva: *bends down on one knee and pulls a ring pop out of nowhere* marry me.

Ilima: *nervous laughter* Uh, Don't we have more asks in the chapter?

Eva: Right! Right... after the chapter?

Ilima: We'll see.

Eva: BETTER THAN A NO!!! Where's Luka?! I wanna get this over with!

Luka: Yo, chill out a little bit Eva. You're acting like you did after you found out that your irl friends were dating.

Eva: Luka! What was the worst gift you've ever received?

Luka: *deadpan* A magezine full of girls in bikinis from my birth parents when I was ten. 

Eva: Wha- Why?!

Luka: I had a crush on a boy and they wanted me to stop. Needless to say they put me up for adoption soon after.

Eva: ...

Luka: Best thing to ever happen to me.

Eva: As long as you're happy. Now... where's Lillie?

Lillie: Ummm, here?

Eva: Ellie asks if you've ever regifted something.

Lillie: Normally clothes that don't fit and stuff I have duplicates of.

Eva: Really? Because I've seen you have dozens of Cleffa Pokédolls.

Lillie: *bloosh*

Eva: *snickers* I'm guessing I should leave you alone to contemplate your choices.  Now where's That sassy lost child?

Hänsel: Here!

Eva: If you could hire someone to do anything for you, what would it be?

Hänsel: ...? I'm confused on the question.

Eva: I kinda am too, just BS an answer.

Hänsel: So if I could hire anyone to do anything for me? Well, back in Animal Crossing I hate harvesting all the fruits in town every day because there's so many... maybe someone to help me pick all the fruits and help me get them all to Re-Tail. Serenity is a orchard town.

Eva: As the person who plays the game, that's a big mood.

Hänsel: I wish the beautiful town ordinance meant villagers picked fruits too...

Eva: Ditto. Well, it looks like Luka is looking for you so o better go.

Hänsel: Okay, Thank you Ellie for the ask!

Eva: I didn't tell him- oh well... Last on my list is Hau

Hau: Hello!

Eva: You got a genie! What your wishes?

Hau: Huh?! Genie? Well okay.... First I want a malsada

Eva: Duh

Hau: Next I want all my friends to always be happy and healthy for the rest of their days.

Eva: Awwww that's so sw-

Hau: Then I'd probably ask for another extra large malsada.

Eva: of course...

Hau: *laughs* I'm joking. My last wish would be to save as many little orphaned little kids by adopting them into a family Gladion and I will build.

Eva: *dead near crying* you're so pure... I love you.

Hau: Be careful saying that, Gladi might get jealous.

Eva: I guess that's it for the chapter. Please keep asking and requesting and... *sniff* Inlovs you guys. 

Hau: We love you too, Evangeline.

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