Yass We Liek

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Eva: *holding a Mudkip and Turtwig in her arms* Yiss.

Eva: *holding a Mudkip and Turtwig in her arms* Yiss

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Luka: *dressed as a zombie holding a Squirtle* I like turtles

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Luka: *dressed as a zombie holding a Squirtle* I like turtles.

Mina: *holding a mudkip* I liek Mudkipz.

Eva: Alright, Yo Gladion! Would you ever switch places with Lillie for anything? Or anyone else for that matter? The Temmie Population wants to know.

Gladion: *deep breath* Yeah. Most of my childhood I'd switch places with Lillie. Mother loved her more than me and after father disappeared she didn't suffer as much as I did. It was lucky for her, but I'd be a liar if I said I never wished I was in her spot.

Lillie: Uh, Gladion? That's enouhh. You don't have to go any fur-

Gladion: And I wish I could be Hau. Always happy and smiling and loving people. I wish I never had to put up a guard around others and I never had to join Team Skull just to find someone who could protect me. Hau had a wonderful life and childhood with people who actually love him and I'd die fo have that.

Hau: Gladion, you know we love you.

Gladion:  Sometimes I wish I was never even born and think sometimes life would be better without me. Then I remember that Lillie needed someone to protect her from Mother. Then I remember Hau needs someone to teach him that not everything Is all hunky-dory. Then I remember my purpose in life is to teach others, not to make myself happy. And I still wish I could be something else.

Lillie: *hugs Gladion from behind* No! Stop it! You deserve to be happy just like us! You are loved! I love you Gladion!

Hau: *Takes his hands* Your purpose is whatever you make of it. You might not have the best background, but you have a bright future. Focus on that instead of the past, okay? *kisses his nose for comofrt* please never say that again.

Gladion: *sniff* Sure, Whatever....

Eva: *hands him a tissue before addressing the auidence* I think Gladion, Lillie, and Hau lol need a moment before getting any more asks and dares. However feel free to ask the other characters! They're feeling w bit neglected and need some love to!

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