Stupid Stories

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Eva: Molayne, come over here.

Molyane: ? Why me?

Eva: Because you're so adorable and people think so.

Molayne: *blushes* w-what? Why me? No way...

Eva: *shows him the notification* proof.

Eva: *shows him the notification* proof

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Molayne: Oh, uh, is that an ask?

Eva: You better answer PrettyCureLillie before we start them next ask on the comment!

Molayne: Oh, err, I, uh, don't know?

Eva: Adorable.

Molayne: *hides face in hands*

Eva: Alright, so now we're going lightning round into embarrassing stories! Molayne, you've been embarassed enough so you get a free pass. Ready? GO!!!

Lillie: Well, my hair got tangled in a fan back at the professor's lab and nobody was home so I had to sit there for over an hour waiting for someone to help free me.

Gladion: *deadpan* I misgendered my boyfriend when we first met.

Eva: Damn. That's rough buddy.

Hau: Gladion, I told you it's fine! Most people when they first met me a year ago would have thought I was a girl!

Gladion: Still my worst moment.

Hau: For me, I'd say any moment before I came out to my parents as trans. Lucky for me, my entire family was accepting. But when they thought I was a girl I wore the worst girly things like along alolan skirts and tank tops that showed off the cleavage I didn't have. It was embarrassing and horrible. I didn't feel like myself. I'm fine with staying in this body, but I hate wearing feminine clothing and it causes me dysphoria. But yeah. My most embarrassing moment was bra shopping and swimsuit shopping when I was maybe nine and my mom had me step out of the dressing room to "put on a show" for her and my dad. It was all in good fun, but I was miserableness. *laughs the pain away*

Gladion: *hugs his boyfriend* I'm sorry you went through that.

Hau: No biggie. It's all fine and dandy now! I got a chest binder, I got w boyfriend, and people respect my pronouns! It's all good!

Ilima: When I was little and in school everyone's played the game "if you had to marry someone in class, who would it be?" Every single girl in that class said my name. All the girls circled me and asked me who I wanted to marry in the class. At the time, I had a crush on a boy in that class so I didn't want to hurt any of the girls. Trying not to hurt anyone's feelings, I said I never wanted to get married. I ended up hurting everyone's feelings because they started thinking I hated them so much I never wanted to marry anyone. It's complicated, but we all were maybe five or six. It's still my most embarrassing moment.

Luka: *snickering at how adorable that was*

Lana: Oh, uh... can I pass?

Eva: Nope!

Lana: Well, before I started dating Kiawe I had the biggest crush on him and, err, uh.... can I stop now?

Eva: You didn't even tell the story!

Lana: Oh, uh, right. It was my birthday and I wanted to go up and visit Kiawe to see if he remembered. When I went to his house, his sister answered the door and told me he just left to say hello to me. I went all the way back home to hear from my sisters that Kiawe had just left. I just sat in the front porch and panicked because I thought he was doing this just to avoid me and pretend like he wanted to say hello. Kiawe then walked up to me while I was crying about it and gave me a birthday present. 

Eva: Lana, that's hilarious.

Kiawe: *remembers that moment fondly* I just wish you hadn't cried. I made you some poffins with a recipe native to Sinnoh. They don't react well to water.

Lana: *laughing away the anxiousness* Ironically. I think it's your turn Kiawe.

Kiawe: I walked in on my sister playing pretend and making her toys kiss and do other things I didn't know when knew of.

Eva and Lana: ouch.

Kiawe: Let's just say she got in trouble for knowing too much.

Mallow: My turn! Okay, so this was also my coming out story. My parents were fussing at me because I didn't get a boyfriend yet and I never had a boy crazy phase like most girls and they were asking me when I was ever going to like boys. I told them "never"Andy they stood there confused. Then my mom asked why and I pulled out my phone and showed them a picture of Lillie. I told them she was my crush and my mom lost it.  But in a good way. She started asking about her name, her interests, when was our first date, what happened before our first kiss, and stsrted flattering her. My dad just stared at me. My fsce was really red as intold her I never asked Lillie out yet. She literally shoved me out of the house and told me to get Lillie to go on a date with me. Long story short, that was the day I asked Lillie out.

Lillie: *blushing madly because she knows Mallow's mom* Well, uh, that's interesting.

Mallow: *hugglez* Love you Lillie!

Sophocles: Literally anything to do with a pool for me. People make fun of my weight a lot and it's always embarrassing.

Acerola: *hugs him* I'm sorry!

Sophocles: It's cool. No body shame here.

Acerola: One time I went to the cemetery on Melemele Island and I accidentally told someone that they shouldn't worry about their dead sister because she'd become a ghost and she'd have a blast and I made them cry. 

Mina: Didn't I already tell my most embarrassing story?

Eva: Don't think so.

Mina: Basically some guy from Team Skull was hitting on me because I looked cool. I told him I was a lesbian to lay it easy on him and he told me that was hot. He gave me his sister's phone number and asked me to call her because she was lonely. I actually did call her and sit turned out he lied and it was just him using s girl voice trying to score a date with me. More embarrassing in his part but I can't beleive I fell for it.

Eva: Okay, I think we're done. Everybody gets cookies!

Everyone: *takes a cookie*

Eva: Not You Luka.

Luka: Huh?!

Eva: You never told a story.

Luka: Yeah, But she didn't ask me to.

Eva: No cookies for non-story tellers.

Luka: boo.

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