Sweet Transvestite

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Eva: Luka, I have someone I want you to see.

Luka: Go away Eva, I'm still mad at-

Hänsel: Luka? Is that you?

Luka: Hänsel!?

Hänsel: *runs into his arms* Goodness me it really is you! I haven't seen you in forever and I missed you so much! 

Luka: I thought... we were separated and-

Hänsel: I know! I ran away so I could embrace myself. Of course it meant I had to disguise myself which was no problem. I still had a bunch of the old dresses you made for me. Luka... I missed you...

Luka: *embraces him tight* I missed you too. I thought I lost you and...

Hänsel: Tried to move on. It's okay. No worries. Hakuna Mattata.

Luka: Yeah... Hakuna Mattata.

Eva: Basically I found this OC of mine who is a perfect match for Luka, gave him a backstory, and am working on creating an original story for just the two of them. Feel free to ask Hänsel any questions as well. Also a heads up: please do not ask for reactions or ask questions addressed to every single person. It's tedious and annoying. However asking multiple different questions to different people is encouraged. Thank you.

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