Guess Who's Back Back Back! Back Again!

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Luka: Are the lights on?

Mina: Yep. How about the speakers?

Sophocles: All Gucci over here.

Mina: Never, ever say that again.

Sophocles: Alright, Cool. Lillie and Mallow, pull the curtains back!

Mallow: Aye Sir!

Lillie: Yes Sir!

*the curtains pull back to reveal the author, Evangeline Hisahoshi.*

Eva: Hello everyone and welcome back to a world of Pokémon Asks and Dares. I've decided that after reading through the chapters I had a lot of fun doing this book so I'm going to revamp it. I'm going to go back and edit my mistakes in spelling in previous chapters and add a small bit more to them. We would appreciate more asks and dares to keep this book going, 

Kiawe: More embarrassing, the better.

Lana: Nooooooooooooo! *hides behind her boyfriend*

Acerola: YASS!!!

Ilima: Thehre a fun little group, aren't they Professor?

Kukui: They are indeed.

Gladion: Yuck, this again.

Hau: Awww, you know you love it!

Eva: Feel free to ask them trial captains, the residents of Alola, or me and my original character Luka any question or make us do any dare imaginable. Our fate isn't in your hands.

Everyone but Gladion: STORYTIME!!!

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