Bachelor's Retreat

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Mina: Welcome to the party, Ilima.

Nanu: The place where people in this book go to get away from all the romance that the couple's show off.

Eva: Wonderful to have you.

Ilima: Woah. Thins place is-

Sophocles: Designed the lights and music myself. The roof is retractable so we can see the stars. There's a television and computer set up over there. This place is like our little secret spot.

Molayne: It's very relaxing.

Ilima: Is that a jacuzzi? 

Mina: Yep. Sure is pal. Careful: Nanu and Eva like to scald themselves. It's like they have temperature dyslexia or something.

Nanu: Shut up, hippie girl.

Mina: At least I'm not an old man.

Eva: Beauties, Gentlebeauties, and Non-Binary Cuties: The Sarcasm War has begun yet again.

Ilima: This place is fantastic. But... why am I here? 

Eva: Because you lost your love interest.

Ilima: I recall Ellie and Tiannah mentioning that we are both love interests.

Eva: Okay then you're single. I'm single. That's why we're at the Bachelor Retreat.

Sophocles: Only singles allowed!

Molayne: Th-that's in the name...

Mina: Basically you have a free pass here from now on.

Nanu: But only for as long as you're single. The second you start dating someone all bets are off.

Ilima: Noted...

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