Cosplay Queens

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Eva: Oh this is gonna be fun! Thanks PokemonGladion!

Mina: *already wearing eyeshadow and a long sleeved shirt

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Mina: *already wearing eyeshadow and a long sleeved shirt.* Can someone get me some strawberry cake?

Lillie: I can probably bake some later, Mina.

Mina: In cosplay my name is L.

Lillie: Oh! It's a cosplay chapter? Give me three minutes to get ready! *runs off*

Acerola: Rawr!

Mina: What are you supposed to be?

Acerola: I'm Fae from Fire Emblem!

Mina: Cute.

Mallow: I know, right? Lillie is going to be right back. Guess who I am!

Mina: You look like Monika from DDLC

Mallow: Right on the money! Lillie should be Yuri.

Lillie: I couldn't find the purple hair dye, sorry Mallow.

Mallow: Don't worry! I left my hair green too!

Gladion: ...

Hau: We completes the set!

Lillie: Oh my goodness... Gladion you look so cute! Hau, how did you get him in a pink wig?

Hau: My little Natsuki here agreed only if I dressed as Sayori. He looks amazing in that short little skirt, doesn't he?

Mallow and Lillie: Yes he does!

Gladion: I hate all of you.

Lana: *blushing madly* L? Can I also have strawberry cake? I wuv it!

Mina: Oh my god, are you Honey Senpai?

Kiawe: Mitsukunni...

Mina: And you're Mori Senpai?

Kiawe: Yes...?

Lana: Yay strawberry cake  I like sweets and hugs! Moriiiii! Pick me up!

Kiawe: *puts Lana on shoulders* like this?

Sophocles: That's precious.

Mina: Back it up, what even are you? All you're wearing is a pink shirt with red shoes.

Sophocles: I'm Kirby!

Mina: *rolls eyes*


Mina: Oh no.


Mina: I'm out.

Sophocles: MINA NO!!!


Acerola: Did I miss Luka?

Sophocles: Nope. He's gonna crash through the wall as Metal Crusher plays.


Acerola: Woah! Loads of pink!

Sophocles: I wear pink better though!

Luka: I think I win best costume. I made all the metal pieces myself and dyed the wig!

Eva: I would beg to differ. Ilima! Show them what you're made of!

Ilima: *humming the tune of helpless under his breath as he walks in.*

Acerola: Pretty! Can I wear that dress after you?

Ilima: *chuckles* of course Acerola.

Luka: Did you seriously dress him as Eliza Hamilton?

Eva: Duh.

Sophocles: Ilima, are you comfortable with all the crossdrssing?

Ilima: Oh, I actually suggested this one myself. 

Luka: *dumbfounded*

Ilima: I hope this will suffice, Ellie, for your request. Eva is always telling me how I'm sweet like Eliza. Sweet but with a powerful side. Now, would anyone care to battle me? I'd love to have a Pokémon battle in cosplay!

Sophocles: Wait. Eva who are you cosplaying as?

Eva: Me? Oh I didn't cosplay as anyone. I would have done Monika but Mallow did her. I didn't think anybody wanted me to cosplay. I can throw on my Mary Poppins or Mariah Reynolds cosplay right now if you want.

Luka: It's fine. Let's just end the chapter before everyone gets a nosebleed from Ilima in that blue gown.

Ilima: You flatter me too much, Luka. I'm serious about the Pokémon battle, though. One on one? Smeargle has been itching for a battle since the book began!

Acerola: I will! Mimikyu should want to battle! Let's go!

Eva: Thanks or the requests and thank you to everyone for making us all very happy. I hope you have a wonderful day!

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