Type Mastery

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Eva:*looks at phone* You do realize we have actual trial captains here who are type specialists, right? Since you should know their favorite type, I think it's  only fair to say they don't count. Oops. Forgot to put up the ask.

The picture wouldn't load. It was an ask about everyone's favorite type from someone who always asks on here. Love ya~ ❤️

Gladion: My Favorite Type? Can I get a top two or three?

Eva: Top three works for me. 

Gladion: Dark, steel, ice.

Lillie: Fairy, Ice, Psychic

Hau: Electric, Psychic, Grass

Kukui: Rock, Bug, Normal

Luka: Bug, Flying, Fairy, Grass, Water

Eva: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Bug, Fire.

Acerola: How Come Luka and Evangeline get more choices!?

Ilima: Thank you my dears for reading. We love you all and I hope you give us more asks and dares.

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