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Lillie: Nice new profile picture Jackie!

Mallow: Wait, that's Jackalight? Cool!

Gladion: Will you two hush? I'm trying to read the dare!

Gladion: Will you two hush? I'm trying to read the dare!

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Hau: Nice, that's manageable. Hey Eva! Where are you?


Hau: ...if we can find her that is.

Lana: I haven't seen her anywhere. Everybody else is looking for her. I think she was avoiding being the last two chapters because she knew about this one.

Hau: What's Her Deal?

Gladion: Low self esteem and shame.

Mallow: Sounds like you.

Lillie: I want to scold you for saying that about my brother but it's pretty accurate.

Lana: So do we just forget this ask ever happend?

Lillie: No! That's rude to Jackie!

Hau: Then what do we do, Lillie? No Eva means we can't treat her like a queen. She won't come back until this chapter is over most likely because she hates bein the center of attention.

Lana: Does she think because we're the characters all the spotlight should be on us?

Gladion: You probably got it right on the money.

Hau: I suppose that makes some sense... Alright. Let's end the chapter and wait for her to come back. We can forget the dare,

Lillie: Sorry Jackalight!

Mallow: Everyone have an amazing time no matter where you are and remember to smile! Happiness looks gorgeous on you! Bye bye!

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