I Hate You!

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"You're so full of yourself!" I said. She was getting on my last nerves. We were at the football field. On the bleachers. And we were arguing about her so called "best friend" Mary.

"Well Mary is hooking me up with that guy." Madison said.

"But you don't understand that she also likes that guy." I told her, trying to knock some sense into her.

"Well maybe you're the one who likes him, Violet! That's why you don't want me to talk to Mary, because you don't want me with him, you want him for yourself." She said.

"Oh shut the fuck up you stupid slut. The only reason you have friends is because of me okay." I said.

"Well what is a leader without its followers, because I don't think you'd last a day without me or the girls, and you think you're all that when you're just a slut-"

I pushed her off the bleachers.

'Oh my gosh. Did I kill her? Is she dead ?!'

I left running. I didn't know what to do.

I was running and crying.

I bumped into Anne, Veronica, Austin and Victor.

"Violet, why are you crying? Are you okay" they all asked.

"What happened?" My best friend Ashley, came.

" I....I... I think I killed her." I responded, crying.

"Killed who?"

I started bursting into tears.

"I KILLED HER. I DID IT. I killed her. She's dead and its my fault." I was screaming.

"No, you didn't, tell us what happened?" Ashley asked.

"Well..." I started.

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