The Declaration Of War!

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Second Book: 14

No Second Book: 8

Scar Pov:

I walked out of the cast dressing rooms slowly.

"What's wrong Haruhi?" I asked as I saw her face. She seemed worried about something.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how weird it was when Tamaki-Senpai called Kyouya and Mori-Senpai to the club room." She explained.

"I see, you're worried."

"I am, will you go and check on them?" I nodded and handed her my headset. "You'll need this."

I ran toward the school as fast as I could. I had a gut feeling that something was happening and I needed to be there.

Third Person Pov:

As Scar was running towards the club room a certain someone (who'd make the situation worse) was already there. (Dedication in the next chapter for the person who guesses correctly first without looking or reading ahead. And the comment must be made in line so I know you didn't cheat.)











"What's the matter pervert?" Shiro (who gave an in line commented with the correct answer?)

The short third year glared at the middle schooler who was quickly becoming a rather annoying pain in his ass.

"What the fuck do you want?!" The blonde's tone was harsh and clearly forced.

"Wow what crawled up your ass? Maybe it's the fact that I got the girl and you can't stand it? Listen buddy she's too young for you." Shiro snorted.

Honey scoffed. "Because you would know wouldn't you?"

"I think we're both rocking in the same boat and let me tell you, it's not a very pleasant ride."

"You know, I tried to go easy on you. I kept telling myself that you're a kid. But honestly, fuck it. Since your man enough to move in on my girl, then your man enough for me to give you a well deserved ass kicking that's been a long time coming."

Shiro flinched at the blonde male's voice. It sounded like a possessive boyfriend mixed with a classic horror voice.

Honey stood up from the sofa and pushed back his three colleges when they tried make him sit back down so they could calm him.

It would've worked if he wasn't as angry as he was, and the object of his hatred wasn't standing just eight short feet away.

'How do we calm him down if he won't sit on the sofa where we can monitor him?!' Tamaki wondered frantically. He was worried for his senior, although said senior seemed to be worried about beating Shiro to a pulp.

"What's going on here?!" Four pairs of eyes turned towards the door only to see a panting Scar standing there with her hands on her knees.

"Scar! What are you doing here?" Tamaki asked with a smile.

Scar Pov:

"Checking on you lot that's what. So do you idiots mind telling me what was so gosh darn important that you needed to leave in a hurry to get here?! And will someone please tell me why Honey seems passed the mark of P.Oed?" The words flew from my lips before I could control them.

"You heard huh?" Tamaki asked.

I rolled my eyes. "The line was open you idiot. I'm pretty sure everyone with a headset on in the play heard you."


"Anyways, you never answered my previous question. What is so important that you have to do here and why does Honey look past the point of being P.Oed?"

Tamaki gulped. "Well-" Kyouya cut him off with a sigh.

"We forgot Usa-Chan in here and he's a bit angry at not having her." I searched his eyes for any sign if him lying but I found none.

"Okay, well I'll see you at the after party I guess..." I turned around and walked out of the club room.

'Why didn't they just tell someone that they forgot Usa-Chan in the club room? It would've saved alot of trouble, not to mention energy. ' I thought.

Tamaki Pov:

I gulped at the killing intent that filled the room after Scar left.

"Scar saved you this time,  but I promise you. Next time you won't be so lucky. You've declared war afterall." Honey laughed before he brushed past Shiro on his way out.

Poor Shiro,  he doesn't know what kind of volcano he's just disturbed.


Dedicated to.....*drum roll please*




Please tell me if I got your name wrong. I updated this on my phone.

Thanks for reading you guys!  The next chapter will be out as soon as possible!  :)

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