some questions deserve answers.

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Scar POV:

It was damn close to physical exams. Which means that I have to tell them about my um..gender. After all , all the doctors coming to the school will be from Kyouya's family. Which means that even if I were to get my own doctor the designated doctor that was originallly disigned for me would have to tell one of Kyouya's family members that they didn't check me out.

Or if I pay off a doctor they would have to tell them eventually. So you see I have to tell them. As I walked into the club room I swallowed my pride.

I saw that everyone was their preparing for the club to open. They had just finished putting out the rest of the snacks and sat down. I meantally thanked god that they were all here. But I didn't know if I liked this so much.

"Hey guys." I said getting their attention. I felt my bangs start tingling silently telling me that my anxiety was taking over making them change color. I knew that they were now a settle mint green color.

"Yeah Scar." Tamki replied.

"I have something to tell you guys." I said.

Haruhi gave me that look that screamed are you sure you wanna do this. I nodded.

Haruhi POV:

I knew what she meant by 'I have soemthing to tell you guys' She was gonna announce that she was a girl.

I shot her a look that screamed 'are you sure.' She nodded her response silently telling me that she was sure.

Well I can't blame her I mean physical exams are the day after tommorow. And all the doctors work for Kyouya's  family so they would find out one way or another. And I don;t know about anyone else but I don't wanna go for the or another. And neither does Scar.

"Well I'm a girl." She said.

Scar POV:

"I'm a girl." I said.

They stared for awhile. They being everyone but Haruhi seeing as how she knows. But she did look at me...with pride silently telling me she was proud that I said it on my own.

After around five minutes Tamaki was the first to recover.

"W-W-W-What???" He spulletered stumbling over his words.

"I'm a girl." I said slowly talking to him like he was dumber than he already is.

Next was Kyouya then Mori. Both regained their composure and became emotionless. Then kyouya wrote something down in that damn book he always has.

Then came Honey and the Twins. They were the last to recover. Honey became happy-go-lucky again.

And the twins got this look that said. Prove it.

I silently thanked god that I had come prepared. I grabbed the black bag that I had stashed here yestarday.

I walked to the bag, grabbed it then walked to the changing room.

I pulled out white skinny jeans, a black sleaveless top with silver hoop earings. Then I grabbed some black high tops.

Then I walked out. The twins jaws dropped. I flinched. Not from the jaw dropping but from the look in their eyes. They looked like they wanted me to be their dress up toy. Just the thought of all the short things that they would try to put me in scared me crapless.

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