The Winner

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Hey guys, This is the chapter you've been waiting for. Which guy is going to get Scar? Hikaru, Koaru, Honey or Shiro?!

Now if you looked at the vote updates I posted in just about every chapter, you should have noticed that the biggest competition is between Shiro and Honey. So without further or do ket's get on with it.

But first I need to address some issues.

To the five flamers that have been commenting on this story and blowing up my PMs please shut the fuck up! I have utterly had it with your mean comments and am currently about to explode! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE BOOK FUCKING CLOSE IT, NO ONE ASKED YOU TO READ IT! I have over 10,000 other people who like it, so do all of us a favor and stop frustrating me so I can upload. Now I won't call you out because you haven't messed with any of my readers, if you had I would've called you out because no one, I repeat NO ONE fucks with my readers.

Now let me tell you this...

I AM NOT A WEAK WRITER! So I will NOT take your 'advice' and delete my account. I'm not going to delete it because some dipshits who have had a bad fucking day tell me to. And just so you know, you can't report this book because I haven't stolen anything, and I clearly stated in the first chapter that I don't own Ouran Highschool Host Club.

So, if any of you five fuckers have anything left to say you better say it in one last PM, anymore after that, I'll report your asses for harrassment. I've asked you nicely to leave me alone, hell I've even given you other stories to read, but right now I'm so fucking done I don't even know what to do!

SO, I'm going to take a deep breath and finish this chapter.

To the rest of you, I'm sorry for the rant, I'm just so fed up. But please enjoy the rest of the chapter.


Scar Pov:

"Kyoya, can we know now?" I whined, I had been on edge all week, because 'the polls aren't closed yet'.

"Yes, Scar." He sighed before logging on to his laptop. I tried not to squeal loudly, due to happiness, but that didn't work.

I ended up squealing and hugging a surprised Honey, who happened to be the closet to me.

"Oh sorry." I apologized as I quickly let go. 'Dear God, that was beyond embarrassing.' I thought as my bangs flashed light orange. ((Bet you forgot about the bangs, huh?)

"It's okay." He replied.

Third Person Pov:

Honey had a hard time holding back a dark smirk as he felt an evil glare on his back. Shiro was obviously jealous, but oh well.

"Okay, the polls have been closed and the final results are in. Hikaru and Koaru, you have 50 votes each. Which aren't nearly enough as Honey and Shiro have. So you two will be the make-up and fashion designers. Your in charge of making everyone look their part." Kyoya told them.

The twins gave a mock salute and then smiled at Scar, Honey, and Shiro.

"Now, Honey, Shiro the polls were close, and one of you won by two votes. And the person that won is..." Kyoya looked back at his laptop before looking up again.

He pushed up his glasses and smirked at Honey, the small third year would be pissed off.

"Shiro. You will be Scar's leading man."

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