Meet The Host Club

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Scar POV:

School was over and our bags were in the car.  When we got to the entrance of the far to big school I jumped on Haruhi's back suddenly feeling tired well not really more fatigue than anything. You see I wasn't tired I was just sleepy like my body wanted sleep but my mind was wide awake or my brain was trying to make me go to sleep but my body was wide awake. I can't really explain it though.

I was sleeping but still fully alert on Haruhi's back when she opened a door and even from behind my eyelids and Haruhi's back I still felt over-whelmed.

Then I heard voices and not just Haruhi's by then I was some-what awake.

" Hello Haruhi how are you and how are you doing that with your hands" I heard a boys musical yet mellow voice say.

" Hmm what are you talking about Sempai?" I hear Haruhi's boyish voice ask.

"Your hands Haruhi." Once voice said

"yeah they are behind your back and on your shoulders." another voice said.

" I didn't know that was possible" They both said at the same time

They sounded alike but one voice was a bit huskier than the other.

" And they are smaller than normal' The same musical voice from earlier said.

"It's no trick Sempai or illousion it's-" She never got to finish because I decided to make my presence known.

I stretched up my arms and yawned lightly while opening my eyes.

I tapped Haruhi's right shoulder twice telling her I wanted to be put down. Then she dropped me............with no warning...................what-so-ever..........................If I didn't know how to land I would be seriously hurt right now..................yeah it's that bad...............yeah i know what a nice sister...................

Anyway Once I landed safely behind Haruhi she turned and took my Dark Violet teddy bear with all white ears and white tipped feet off of my back. Once I had my bunny that I named Violet ( yeah i know the irony and so orignal note my sarcasim) in my arms I smiled happily at Haruhi which made her chuckle lightly. then she turned around.

And one of the two voices I heard earlier started talking.

" Hey why are your hands bigger than before and what was that yawn?" He asked.

Before Haruhi could answer I stepped from behind her to look at who was talking.

Only to see some really cute guys and hug Haruhi's legs my shyness finally deciding to make it's apperance a bit to late.

Seeing that made Haruhi laugh as my highlights that I put in my bangs this morning turned to orange which ment shyness. Well usally orange has to meanings

Bright orange- Embarresed

Light/Mellow oranged- Shy/Shyness

My hair is a light/mellow orange seeing as how I'm hugging Haruhi's leg because of that shyness after all I have nothing to be ebaressed about.

Then Haruhi pulled me from hugging her leg to infront of her where she picked me up and sat me on her left hip as my hands rested on her shoulder my face digging inot her arm as my face flushed a light pink from the attention all these handsome guys were giving me.

"aww he's cute" A voice said.

"Yeah can we keep him?' said another voice.

Then I was pulled out of Haruhi's warm familar arms inoto the arms of 2 people of which I didn't know.

They were both red  heads with bright green eyes. They were twins obviously though they look alike I could tell the differnce instantly other than their bangs of course.

Finally un tensing since i was warmed up to them i let them hold me.

I looked around and saw the guys from Haruhi's photo's at home I guess that they were the Host club all I know is their tpes and names that's it.

Kyoya- the cool type

Tamaki - the princely type

the twinks Hiakru and Karou-twinces/brotherly love

Mori/Takashi-the silent yet strong type

Honey/Mitskunni-the boy lolita type

Haruhi-the natrual type

Yeah their all handsome but seem like a handful, at that thought my hair turned ocean blue which meant crazy don't know what to think thoughts.

That made Haruhi laugh I mean after all she knew all of my mood colors so to her I'm easy to read for everyone elese......................They have no clue what to think other than the word freak. And everyone who has called me that has gone to Kyoya's family's hospital.........................for a very long time (at least 8 weeks).

Haruhi was still laughing and inbetween Laughing she said.

"" ( the dots are her laughing)








Song For The Chapter

Dum Dadi Do-



Love yall hope u guys enjoyed the chapter <3


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