The Real Drama Isn't During The Host Club But Rather AFTER It's Over.

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(( warning many POV switches will occur))

Haruhi POV:

The club had just finished and the last lady had just walked out. As soon as the doors closed we as in the entire host club, begin to pick up ALL  the stuff in the room. We put the snacks up, well all of them but the cake. Honey-sempai would pick them up. When I say pick them up I mean eat them all.

Don't be like your treating him like a human garbage disposal....We're not he wants to eat all the cake. His words not mine.

We had put all the flattering stuff away when Kaoru came up to us.

"Guys I have something to tell you." He said.

Kaoru POV:

As soon as I said that everyone's heads snapped to me.

"I think I should tell you that I'm really Bisexual, and that I like boys and girls." I told them looking down. My bangs covered my eyes creating a shadow.

I heard a few gasps.

Next thing you know I felt a hand touch my shoulder, followed by another on the other shoulder.

Tamaki POV:

Mori and I walked over to him. He touched his right shoulder and I touched his left. I gave him a comforting squeeze hopefully showing him that we weren't mad or gonna kick him out of the club.

We were just a bit shocked.

"Kaoru is this true?"

He nodded answering my question without even speaking.

"Also I have another confession. I'm in love with my brother Hikaru." That one made me fall back a bit.

Mori POV:

I gave him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. I wonder how his brother will react.

Honey POV:

I looked up over Takashi's shoulder at Kaoru. Then I looked at Hikaru. Hikaru was looking down so I couldn't see his expression.

He looked up.

"Kaoru I-I-I."

Scar POV:

"I'll talk to you when we get home." Hikaru said in a rush then grabbed his bag and ran out. Kaoru looked up at the spot his brother had occupied with tears in his eyes.

He grabbed his jacket and bag then sadly smiled at us then walked out to the car( limo) where his brother was probably waiting.

"I also have a confession." Mori, and Tamaki said at once.

"You can go first." They both said again

" No you." Geez they were talking like the twins usually would.

"How about you both do it on the count of 3." I reasoned. They nodded.


"I love you Scar." They said at once. Then glared at each other.

"W-w-w-what?" I stuttered utterly shocked.

They nodded.

"Okayyyyyyy then come on Scar let's get you home." Haruhi said. I nodded like I was completely out of it...Which I kinda was.


&Third Person POV:&

"Okay let's both say it on the count of 3. 1,2,3," The twins said at the same time.

" I love you, AND Scar." They both said at the same time in synch.

"Well why don't we make up a plan to make her ours." The more devious twin proposed.

The other twin nodded his head agreeing. After all he wanted her to be theirs as much as his brother and that night they planned.

The date this plan would take place.........When the host club took a vacation in 4 days.


Scar POV:

"Hey Haruhi?" I asked or called.

"Hmm?" She responded.

"It Seems Like The Real Drama Isn't During The Host Club But Rather AFTER It's Over." I told her.

She laughed and I joined in.


Well this gave you guys some things to think about like the twins plans and how honey feels about all of these confession especially to Scar.

Next Chapter will be out soon...If not now.


Thanks for all the support with this book.  :) Hope you guys are enjoying it.



Song For This Chapter~

                                       The Wanted~

                                                                         Glad You Came~


Love that song title because quite frankly I'm glad you came. Glad you came to read that is. :)


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