We'll Just Call This An Unplanned Filler.

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Honey Pov:

"Do you promise to love him through thick and thin, through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, and until death do you part?"

"I do." I smiled at Scar while she blushed.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Both of us leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss-

"Master, please wake up." I opened my eyes and glared at the maid, before looking at my alarm clock.

"Y-you're parents wanted you awake." The maid stuttered.

I had one whole hour before I had to be up, that was more than enough time to finish that dream! My glare darkened and the made let out an 'eep' before running from the room. 'Damn Parents.' I thought.

I grunted. I lay back down, trying to go back to sleep and finish my dream, but I couldn't.

I got up and walked to the bathroom so I could take a long shower. I had an hour to waste so might aswell take my time.

-30 minutes later-

I walked out of the bathroom wearing a casual outfit, with my hair brushed.

Since it was dress down day I wore a light blue polo shirt with kaki shorts, and white tennis.

Knowing it was time for breakfast I walked out of my room., cradling Usa-Chan, who I had grabbed off of my bed, in my arms.

"Good morning." I heard as I walked into the dining room. However, before I could reply, I was attacked.

I quickly knocked my family out before letting out a sigh. "Yes, good morning." I replied to the unconscious bodies.

I walked to the table and took my time eating my breakfast. With no family to bother me, and time to kill I could eat slowly and actually enjoy one of the few types of food that I eat other than cake.

By the time I'd finished my food my family was awake.

"Amazing as usual." My father complemented, while my mother smoothed out her kimono. I gave my father a nod, before I looked at my brother, who was glaring.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I have to go. Takashi will be here any minute." I told them before I left the dining room.

I walked upstairs and grabbed my booksack before running downstairs to the door where Takashi would be in exactly thirty seconds.

Scar Pov:

I looked at the outfits Haruhi and I had been forced into for the day. Today was dress down day for the school.

Our father wanted us to look like girls, but Haruhi and I refused. But since it was dress down day, Haruhi and I decided to dress something like twins.

I wore a dark blue hoodie, gray skinny jeans, and dark blue vans that matched my hoodie. My hair was in it's normal messy yet sexy look, with my bang hanging over my eyes. I wore a pair of gray stud earrings in my ears.

Haruhi wore a gray hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, and gray vans that matched her hoodie. Her hair was in its normal tamed style, and she wore a pair od clip on blue stud earrings in her ears.

We walked downstairs and ate breakfast before leaving in my car.

As usual we parked on the around the corner, and got out of my car. I locked it as I was walking away.

-Later At The Host Club-

I walked into the music room along with Haruhi.

"Hey guys!" We greeted in synch.

"Nice outfit." The twins commented.

"We decided to take a page out your book." I started.

"So we dressed like this." Haruhi picked up.

"Thanks for the complement." We synched.

The twins laughed and nodded, we were acting like twins.

"So now that everyone is here, we can tell you the results of the poll." Kyoya spoke.

"That was an unfair poll and you know it." I told him.

"You're only saying that because you didn't like how it was done." Haruhi teased causing me to pout.

That poll was totally unfair, I didn't even get a say on my part.

*Flash Back*

"So, we need to figure out who will play who. There are very few screen roles, so we need to find spots for everyone. Now we can have two narrator's-" I zoned out as Kyoya talked about the parts.

I knew Cantrella like the back of my hand, even though I wasn't girly I still thought that the story was the epitome of sweet.

"Actually Kyoya-Sempai, I was wondering if I could have a behind the scenes role. I don't do well with acting out these kind of things." Haruhi spoke, now that caught my attention.

'Eh?' What had I missed?

"Oh well, that means that Scar will have to play the main female. Which also means that Haruhi will be directing in the background lip synching to the pre-recorded song, Cantrella. Which you will sing Scar, not that anyone will know." Kyoya told me causing my eyes to widen.

"Why can't Haruhi sing it?" I asked, but then I thought about it. "Never mind."

"Now since, you will be playing the main character that means that no one short can play the leading male. So we have to eliminate Tamaki. So he'll have to be the blond who dies, since he's too tall to play the leading male role. So the only candidates would be Shiro and Honey-Senpai.  But the only people without positions are the twins. So they have to be added to the mix aswell." Kyoya thought aloud.

"How about a poll? We post a poll on the website and the girls can vote for the guy who would be the perfect partner for Scar as the leading male." Haruhi suggested.

"Good idea."

*Flash Back End*



I know it sucks, but my friends Amy and Kate convince me to give you guys more time to vote! So the next chapter will have the winner in it.

So guys get those votes in! You have 1 week!

So please start voting!


Anyways to the side is Haruhi and Scar's outfits.->



Honey: 46

Shiro: 46

Hikaru: 20

Koaru: 20

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