Welcome home (sort of)

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Several hours later...

It is currently 5 pm and the guests are just arriving to the party and when I say guests I mean the werewolves and some witches that have apparently decided to gate crash the party. Rebekah and I of course quickly shown them the door though. Hope is upstairs with Hayley while Elijah and Klaus are greeting the werewolves. Freya is upstairs finishing getting ready and Davina is getting ready. "I hope nothing goes wrong with this party" Rebekah comments "me too sister" I respond eyeing the werewolves that enter the compound. "I'm going to see how Davina's doing with her dress" she says "okay" I respond before walks off to go and check on my girlfriend. I would do it but Rebekah doesn't want me to see what Davina's wearing until she comes down to the party.

"So brother where's Davina?" Freya asks appearing next to me, wearing a simple cream lace dress and nude/cream coloured high heels.

(Freya's outfit)

"she's getting ready" I respond "still? What's taking her so long?" she asks "well she is pregnant so that might be the reason and she may also be having trouble with her dress which is why Rebekah has gone up to check on her" I respond "what do y...

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"she's getting ready" I respond "still? What's taking her so long?" she asks "well she is pregnant so that might be the reason and she may also be having trouble with her dress which is why Rebekah has gone up to check on her" I respond "what do you like about Davina? Is it because she's powerful?" she questions making me scoff "what is this? Twenty questions about Davina or something. Why are you asking these questions?" I ask "because I just want to know if she's right for you and she is carrying my niece or nephew. I'm just concerned about the upbringing of the child" she responds making me glare at her "you have some nerve. Davina is perfect for me, she makes me happy and she makes me want to be better. I love her more than anything in the world along with the child she's blessing me with. So don't you dare question Davina's role in my life and the child we're having!" I snarl giving her a harsh glare "I just don't trust her" she replies "oh you mean like how we don't trust you?" I retort "you don't trust her because you don't know her yet she's liked by everyone in this family and you hate that" I say "I'm the older sister Kol. It's my job to protect this family" she defends "yeah well look at the spectacular job you've done so far. Listen this family doesn't need another paranoid, control freak. I've put up with Nik and our other siblings interfering with my life and I don't need you doing that not when I'm the happiest I've ever been. So back off, alright and stop giving Davina crap. She doesn't deserve it, she's done nothing but help this family so just pack it in!" I snap fed up with how she's acting towards Davina when she's doing nothing to make Freya act this way towards her. "I just don't think she's right for you. She doesn't belong here" she responds making me scoff "you don't think she's right for me? She's my soul mate Freya, she's mine and don't you dare start with the she doesn't belong here crap. You just hate powerful she is, you hate that she doesn't need your help to protect her own child or the fact she's made precautions to keep Hope safe from Dahlia!" I snap Elijah makes his way over to us "quit arguing, people are starting to hear and they're beginning to stare" he says "well they can stare all they like I don't care. At least everyone will know what a jealous bitch Freya is" I respond "I'm not jealous" Freya retorts "sure you're not" I respond sarcastically before walking away but I stop as everyone suddenly goes quiet and I see they're looking to the stairs so I look their way and my undead heart stops as my girl is stood at the top of the stairs with Hayley and Rebekah next to her, Hayley has Hope in her arms. Davina looks beautiful in a blue halter dress which stops past her thighs and hugs her curves and baby bump perfectly, she's wearing black high heels and her hair cascades down in soft waves. She's very clearly the most beautiful woman in the room at least to me she is.

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