Chapter 22 - Confront

Start from the beginning

The seashore was everything at once, every sense bombarded in a way that brought his mind to elevated thought. He closed his eyes feeling the cool breeze, stealing warmth, giving him the taste and smell of the brine. Every shade of blue was there before him, every shade from white to browns and greys were at his feet. The faded cries of the gulls with crashing waves were music to his ears. Between rock and wave he stood intoxicated on the breath of mother earth, of nature and all the wonders she held.

Jungkook had forgotten how long since the last time he had experienced these moments. He sat on the rocks, letting the wind touched his face. He smiled at the sensations evoked inside his body.

"Cannot sleep?" A voice greeted behind him and he did not have to turn around to recognize her.

"Yeah kind of. But I found serenity here. It is calming." A smile left his face.

"Yes it is." She took a sit beside him and wrapped herself with a cardigan. "Don't you feel cold? You'll catch a cold if you're out here too long," she caringly asked.

"Kind of but I'll be back later." He looked at her and so did she.

"I often came to the beach when I was young but since I've taken over the company, I never had time to come here. The last time I came here was when I got married to Min Young. But she didn't like beach that much because she couldn't swim," he let out a breath, inhaling the scent of refreshing air.

Chaeyoung gazed at him and watched his facial expression, but there was no sign of hurt or pain. He probably moved on but she might not know if he was expert in masking his own feelings.

"Do you still think of her?" She innerly face palmed when she blurted the words but it was spontaneous. Her unconscious thoughts maybe had the urge to ask him the question for so long.

"I did," her smile faltered upon hearing his confession. She tightened her cardigan around her body.

"But that was before I met you," instantly her heart sped up as those words left his lips.

She turned to her right to see him already watching her. A blush slowly crept up to her cheeks and the wind did not help because it kept blowing making his hair danced along. He looked ethereal.

"I thought that I wouldn't be able to love again because being hurt by the one you love was the most painful feeling. I was hurt. I worked hard to build up fame and wealth because I want to forget the past, partly because of Joon Hyung. I used to be selfish, not wanting to attach to the world because I've lost my love that I cherished a lot. But life isn't just about me. I have people who always gave me their support, my parents and my friends. They were there through thick and thin. Thanks to them I was able to find myself again," a smile made it way to his charming face before he continued, "and I think God has another plan for me. He lets us meet."

Chaeyoung scooted closer to him, having the urge to comfort him. She placed her head on his shoulder letting the wind blew through and she inhaled his scent which became more potent.

"You're a good man, Jungkook and I want you to be happy," she whispered softly. Both of them were lost in the warmth and comfort they found in each other as the wave kept on hitting the beach. Jungkook let out a sigh as he tilted his head on hers, "I hope so."

It was a moment after that they walked back to the campsite, noticing people had already drifted to sleep leaving only both of them awoke.

"It's already late. You should sleep, Chae," Jungkook broke the silence when they reached their tents.

"You should sleep too," she replied with a smile.

"Thank you for listening."

"Anything for you, Jungkook."

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