Chapter 20

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James's pov

"Go and ask anyone other than me or jazz or DJ because we are all busy."Danny said not even caring right now.

I sighed and flew out of his room to find technus, alone. If I can't ask any of the Fenton's I will fight alone. Valerie hates me too much, so can't ask her. Best to go alone, I guess. I flew faster in search of technus but I was suddenly shot from behind and landed into a billboard.

I heard the familiar sound of that stupid hover board and turned over to look at the red clad demon. I glared at her, "Get up phantom. Karasu said I should help you with the latest ghost threat because you're too weak to handle it."said the red clad demon.

"Tch. Did you really have to shoot me!? You could have called! Kara-baby made us all those communication thingys for a reason!!!!"I yelled pissed that she shot me.

"I shot you because I can and I don't like the sound of your voice so I didn't bother calling."

"Why you little bit-" I was cut off by my phone ringing, I grabbed it and answered it without looking, "What do you want!?"

"Wow is that how you talk to your boyfriend?" I heard Dannys beautiful voice ask

I sighed and turned around, not facing Valerie "Sorry babe. Red is just such a pain sometimes. Most times. Alright all times actually." I heard an annoyed click of the tounge and something that sounds like 'asshole" from behind me.

"I dont care I can almost hear you yelling at her and why do you insist in calling me kara-baby?"

"How in the hell?"I wondered looking around but then I saw the fabric store that Danny usually went to I realized that he must have bought some for the wedding. I sighed as I spotted Danny staring at me while some guy was showing of his muscles trying to impress him. Well he wasn't really showing off his muscles. He was just carrying a large role of fabric but still it was putting his muscles on display and he leaned in way too close to Danny.

"There we are gorgeous. What are those for anyway? Because if it's for  some kinky bondage play... I'll be more that happy to be of service." I heard the asshole say to my Danny.

Must kill.

"Sorry but ew. I'm on the phone with my boyfriend and you just sounded like a psychotic pervert so never besides that..." I saw Danny look at his junk and then he said something that made me want to fly over there and fuck him into his cars hood, " You know steroids are probably the cause if that tiny bulge." the guy glared and replied embarrassed, grabbing his dick.

"Listen here slut this is probably the biggest dick you might get! 6 inches of pure meat." he 'bragged'. Honestly it's embarrassimg of him to think that 6 inches is big.

I sighed, "Babe, hand over the phone please." I watched Danny hand over the phone and the words that came out of his mouth pissed me off.

"Hey bro, do you mind sharing your bitch? She's over here practically begging for my dick (a/n. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!) and I just wanna make sure it's OK. I'm classy like that."


"Dude, I've been watching and listening to the both of you talk and he obviously doesn't want you. Now I want you to look at the roof of the building across from where you are." the idiot did as told and looked me dead in the eyes. I smirked and waved, "Hi there. I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Phantom, Dannys -the cute little trap you were flirting with- boyfriend and if you ever think of crossing me or flirting him... Haha let's just say that your body will not be found. Bye!" the guy visibly paled and hurried inside after giving the phone back.

"Do I want to know?" asked my Danny. Woah, when did I get so possessive?

"Not really."

"OK bye."

"Bye." I hung up and looked at the red annoyance.

"You're James Tempus Clockwork, aren't you?"said the red annoyance.
Short, I know. Also can you guys come up with a reason for why phantom became alot more possessive than usual? Thanks. Bye lovelies!😍😘💗

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