Chapter 17

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Vlad's pov

I was sitting in my office doing some paperwork when I suddenly got a phone call and I immediately knew who it was because 'Can you hold me' by nightcore started playing. I smiled, grateful for the interruption, I answered the call, "Hello my beloved."

"I told jazz and Danny and they are planning the wedding, I'll tell my parents later. Bye my love!"with that the call ended.

"Wow. I feel the love." I smiled but then suddenly got a message and when I checked it I almost fell out of my seat out of shock. Daniel just put 3.5 million dollars in my bank account and jasmine put 5.25 million dollars in my bank account. I picked up my phone and speed dialed Damian.

"Hello my love!"

"Mind telling me why 8.75 million dollars is now in my account?"

"Uhm.... Your welcome?"

"No! Not your welcome! The only reason your brother has kept me alive for this long is because I payed him and now that he gave back his money and found out we are engaged... Who knows what he will do. I'm too scared to find out. "

"You are so cute and so is Danny... In other words, Danny is a good boy. Remember that honey cause he's about to be your brother-in-law." he paused and then gasped really loudly, "You used to have a crush on my mom! She is about to be your mother-in-law! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahfgghfva." he ended up coughing and it took him a while to calm down.



"Good. What time do you get off."

"Any time you get me off."he said seductively.

"Off of work, you pervert."

"Oh... Anytime I want actually. School ended, I'm staying behind to grade some paper. Why do you ask?"he said still speaking seductively.

"Well I would like to take you out so that I can spend my last moments on earth with my fiance before his evil brother comes to kill me."

"Danny is not going to kill you ."just as he said that Danny. I opened my mouth to say something but then he tackled me. I did not scream, okay. He tackled me and started to... Measure my body. When he was done he wrote in his book and left.

"Uhm... "

"Told you he wasn't going to kill you."

"I'm confused."

"He made a promised to not kill you if I don't kill his boyfriend."

"That explains alot actually."


"Yes. Now come to city hall I'm bored."

"Jeez, so demanding. I see you soon babe."

"Bye. I love you."

"I love you too."

It took ten minutes of waiting for Damian to return and when he came in I nearly had a heart attack, "... No mom. I love him and he loves me. That's all that matter." he smiled and winked at me and walked around the desk to sit on my lap. He kissed my cheek and I could actually hear what Madeline was saying by now because of how loud she was shouting.

"... I care about your well being young man! I love you! But if Vladimir-"

"Oh damn full name. She must be pissed."Damian whispered to me.

"-hurts you or is forcing you into that relationship then I swear I will rip his dick off and shove it so far up his ass he'll choke on it!"we both looked at the phone shocked and a little scared. Because my dick is how we sort out our arguments.

"Uhm ok mom, if I was being forced to be in a relationship with Vlad do you really think I would be this happy and Vlad is too scared of you guys- "

"Except for Jack."I interrupted.

"-except for dad and honestlyhe is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Fine but give him the phone. I know he is there, I heard his voice earlier."I reluctantly took the photo earlier

"Hello Madeline."

"Vladimir you better listen you-"

"Would you like to be the groomsmaid or best lady?"

"What? You really want me to be a groomsmaid!"

"Oh course. You are my best friend after all."

"AAAAAAHH!!!!!" I immediately removed the phone from my ear, "JACK! VLAD JUST ASKED ME TO BE HIS GROOMSMAID AT DJ'S AND HIS WEDDING!"

"WHAT!? THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!? GOOD FOR THEM!"said Jack in the background

"BE QUIET I NEED TO MAKE CALLS!!!!"yelled jazz in the background.

"AND I NEED TO CONCENTRATE ON THE DRESSES AND SUITS!"yelled Danny. 'Wasn't he just here afew minutes ago.' I wondered remembering him attacking me.

"SORRY KIDS!"yelled Jack and Maddie.

"Haha you're marrying into that family."said Damian who was playing with my goatee.

"I regret that but I love you too much to complain."I said giving him a gentle kiss.

"I love you more."he said kissing him again. He smiled, took the phone, hung up and pulled me into a much more passionate kiss that escalated really quickly.


Damian and I were relaxing on the couch in my office after a nice long passionate love session.

"Oh yeah Vladdy so can you tell me any information about this phantom also known as James Tempus Clockwork?"

"Well for the past two years phantom has been 'saving' the town of Amity Park. I had no clue that he was that James fellow Daniel is with though."

"And what about this skulker thing?"

"Him? He has been bothering the town ever since Phantom got here, apparently."

"What do you mean by 'apparently'?"

"Darling, I only came to this town about ten months ago."

"Oh right. It felt longer. Being alone without my adorable old man for about ten months was the worst. I missed you so much." I smiled at that, he will never stop calling me that.

"First of all I am not adorable and don't call me old. Second of all it was just as bad for me and lastly, I missed you more, my darling." He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss but before our lips could meet there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Mayor, Mr. Fredrick's in the conference room waiting to discuss-"said my damn stupid, slutty assistant.

"Thank you Emily! Tell him I'll be right there!"

"Of course Mr. Mayor also I was wondering if maybe later we could-"

"Ah!~ Vlad don't be so rough!"yelled Damian. I looked at him shocked but I could only imagine how shocked my assistant must be.

"I... Uh... Well... I'll go... Um... Tell Mr. Fredrick you will be right... Uh out."and with that I heard heels hurrying off, making us burst out laughing.

"I really must be going, my love. This is important." He smiled and nodded. I got up, got dressed and kissed my still naked fiance farewell.
-------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for the late update my lovelies! Hope you enjoyed!😍😘💗

Also comment if you forgot that Djs name was Damian. I know I did. I had to search for the chapter where I mentioned his full name.

Dj: Am I really that easy to forget.

Me: No I only just called you DJ.

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