chapter 10

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Danny's pov

"Vlad Masters!?" said Sam, James and Tucker.

"Hmm?  Well hello and who may you be?"replied Vlad

"We're-" started sam

"Leaving. They are my friends and they were just leaving." I said knowing that this would be important if Vlad had to come here personally and not call. I gave Sam a look because she understands me and is an awesome sister. 'I think we should do a blood ritual soon'

"Danny's right we should go. Bye Mr and Mrs Fenton, Bye Mr. Masters and Bye Danny."said Sam practically dragging the boys out and as soon as the door closed I turned to Vlad.

"What do you want?" I said glaring at him.

"Who said I wanted anything?" Vlad asked with that stupid arrogant look on his face while he made me give him an 'annoyed really' look. "Hmm... very well" he reached into his pocket and took out a golf necklace with an emerald in the middle and handed it to me "This is a ghostly artifact extremely dangerous and extremely expensive. I want you to look after it protect it with your life."

"Sure... For fifty thousand dollars."

"Is this some sort of payback for what I did to you?"

"Kinda... but I need the money to buy material for the outfits I'm designing for the school dance."

"Why don't you just buy the fucking clothes instead of making it!"

"Because I don't fucking want to!"

"Danny, language!" yelled my mom.

"Sorry mom."

Vlad sighed before saying "Very well Daniel. I swear you are making me poor. "

"Whatever." I said before walking upstairs to my bedroom. I got to my room and went to my desk, 'Might as well do some homework'


🎶...Wake me up before you go go,
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo.
Wake me up before you go go,
I don't want to miss it when you hit that high
Wake me up before you go go,
'Cause I'm not planning on going solo.
Wake me up before you go go,
Take me dancing tonight.
I want to hit that high-🎶

A knife was then thrown at the alarm clock that was blasting the irritating yet catchy song. "Die." I growled out glaring at the evil thing that dare to wake me. I sat up and felt a pain in my back and neck and realized that I fell asleep at my desk.

I got up and walked to the shower while rubbing my neck. 'A massage is seriously needed. I'll ask Sam to show to a spa.' . I got into the shower and turned on the shower and immediately screamed jumping away, "S-s-so c-c-cold.". I stuck my foot under the water and felt it getting hotter and then finally, it reached the perfect temperature. I stepped under the water and sighed in pleasure when the hot water hit my body.


"Danny I heard screa-oh my God! I am so sorry!" I heard Jazz shout.

I spun around before she could see anything and with a bright blush covering my whole body that was not caused by the scalding hot water. "It's OK! Just get out and let us never speak of this moment."

"OK... Oh wait Danny one thing before I go." is this girl seriously going to talk to me while I'm naked in the shower?  "Can you design a dress for me for the dance? I went to the mall and those clothes don't work right for me."

Apparently so. I sighed before saying "Sure just do me the favor of getting out."with that I heard the door close again. "Damn... Siblings or not, it seriously weird being naked around her." I washed myself with my vanilla body wash, shampoo and conditioner and after brushing my teeth I went to my room to get ready for school.

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Satisfied with everything I grabbed my homework, put it in my bag and went downstairs

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Satisfied with everything I grabbed my homework, put it in my bag and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw my breakfast: 2 eggs, 6 pieces of bacon,2 sausages,2 French toast and mushrooms sauce  with cheese on it in a little bowl.( a/n. Pay attention! This is how you are supposed to eat breakfast!"

I grabbed the French toast and put mushrooms sauce on  the toast. I put egg onto the toast and then grabbed three pieces of bacon and put it on the eggs. I got up and walked to the cupboards and took a plate and walked back to the table, I took the sausage and cut it in half and then sliced it in the middle and put four pieces of sausage on the eggs. I put cheese on the sausage and started building my tower higher, starting with the sausage and worked my way up to the egg before completing it by putting the other slice of French toast. "It's so beautiful. I think I'm going to cry." said my dad and I looked to my left and saw him staring at my plate. I growled at him and before he could say anything I ate the whole thing in a minute. 'Yay to no gag reflex!' I got up grabbed my keys and drove to school.

I went to my locker and grabbed the books I need for maths before going to class. There I saw Tucker and Sam scolding James, well Sam was scolding James, tucker was looking proud at James but he had a busted lip. Walking over to them I sat down "...shallow bitch. She doesn't care about you-"scolded Sam

"Are you guys talking about Paulina?" I asked knowing that they were because 'shallow bitchy that doesn't care about you' sounds exactly like her.

"Yeah, Paulina just asked me out to the dance and I said yes."James said something right then that will make me kill a bitch.

------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading my lovelies💗😘. Hope you enjoyed. Now if you excuse me it is 6am and I have not slept a wink so I'm gonna go die of exhaustion.

Loving A Ghost***(Orphaned)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant