chapter 6

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Jazz's Pov

After James took me to my class and basically dragged Danny away. I realized that I might not see my brother much anymore if he has all that friends.

'I'm alone. Oh well. Books has always been my best friends.'

I looked at the door and sighed, I hope I won't need to correct the teachers mistakes here too. I knocked on the door and waited, the door opened and standing in the doorway was a middle aged bald fat man with a goatee and he was wearing a blue dress shirt, black dress pants and black shoes with a black tie and I swear if Danny was here he wouldn't be able to stop making fun of him.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Normally I do not allow such tardiness but considering that you are new here I will, as the kids these day say, let it slide. Now I am vice principal, Mister Lancer"

What. The. Fuck. Oh please don't let Danny get him for whatever subject this is, knowing him he might get detention everyday. I looked at him with a smile, a fake one, and polity said " Good morning Mister Lancer. I am Jasmin Rose(?) Fenton, it is a pleasure meeting one of the good teachers and the vice principal of this fine establishment."

"Well it certainly is a pleasure meeting someone that is so polite and well mannered at such a young age. Now go sit next to Mister Manson. He is the blonde with purple eyes in the back row next to the book shelf."

"Thank you sir." with that I waled to the back of the classroom where the admittedly cute boy sits. I stretched out my hand to him,"Jasmin Rose Fenton, you are?"

"I'm wondering why you had to act like that in front of the entire class, that was the fakest thing I have ever seen but anyway my name is Danté Alexandria Manson . It's a pleasure meeting you Jasmine."

I smiled at him he was cute, though I doubt if we would stay together if we ever go out with how frequently we travel. "Pleasure meeting you too, Danté. And please call me Jazz and I was acting like that because now he sees me as a respectful, mature young lady with great manners instead of seeing me as a disrespectful, intolerable child that needs to be disciplined and put in detention everyday."

He looked at me carefully before saying, "Smart. I thought I was the only one that thought like that in this town.".

"Thanks. Hey mind showing me around. The guy showing me around is escorting my brother."

"Sure. Hey do you think you and I could-"

"MISTER MANSON! MISS FENTON! PAY ATTENTION!"Yelled Mr. Lanser looking upset and ...dissapointed? 'It's probably because we act like well behaved young adults'. Danté looked at him guiltily and before he said.

"My apologies Vice principal Lanser. I was just telling her about how you were teaching us about the story of Hamlet and she was just telling me that she not only already read it but she read all the other books by William Shakespeare." I look at him shocked. I mean I did read all but how did he know that.

"Really Miss Fenton?"asked Mr. Lanser. I nodded still shocked that a complete stranger would know that about me. "Well then it's good to know such young people would find joy in the art of literature. Very well but please pay attention to my class."

"Yes Vice Principal Lanser." I said and when he turned around to continue writing on the board I leaned over to Dante and quietly asked to him, "How did you know I read all Shakespeares books?"

"I didn't. I'm the one that read all of Shakespeares books. I didn't know you did too."

'Huh, smart and cute. Please let us stay here long enough for me to at least get him to be my boyfriend for like a month or two.'

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