Chapter 14

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Jazz's pov

It has been four months since the school dance and I don't know if I should be happy or pissed. I guess I should be happy because Danny and I are happy with our boyfriends. But the thing is Danny is tooooo happy with his boyfriend. Just last week I walked in on them doing it. But worst of all right now when I am forced to do the laundry and find a black lacy thong with with white stuff on it, that is where I draw the line, 'Danny is way too innocent to wear this!'

I grabbed the underwear and marched upstairs to Danny's room and slammed the door open and saw Danny and James studying or doing homework I don't know and I don't care,"You! How dare you defile my baby brother!?"

"Jazzy what are you doing?"

"Shut up! He did bad things to you and you just took it! (a/n. Like a boss😎) But I have had it up to here! I can't believe you pushed yourself into wearing these!"I yelled showing the thong. "These should not be worn by someone as inn-"

"Those aren't mine." he said while both Danny and James were blushing brightly but I think their thoughts are different because he has a bit of blood trailing down his nose, which just pissed me off more.

"Well they certainly aren't mine! So who else's would it-"I stopped myself realizing that Danny and I aren't the only ones wearing girl clothes. That would mean... I immediately dropped the thong and started gagging trying not to vomit.

"Jazz don't do that. It will make me wanna ..." too late Danny was already gagging.

"Gross stop or else I'm gonna ..." by now all of them are gagging. Which is how Sam, Tucker and Danté found them, gagging with a thong on the floor.

"Whats going on?"

"No clue but with the thong on the floor and them gagging... I'm guessing they found out their parents had sex and their mom was wearing that."

"Ugh! Don't say that."Sam walked up to Danny and slapped him hard and started shaking him.

"Pull yourself together man!"

"OK... OK... Thanks Sam I needed that. Still really grossed out though."

-timeskip to after Jazz finished scrubbing her hand raw-

We were all talking about random things when mom and dad walked into Dannys room. I immediately cringed trying not to think of them.

"Danny did you- oh hi there everyone. Anyway... Danny did you want to sign up for the science expo next month?"

"No. Why'd you ask?"

"Cause Vladdy is downstairs and he wants to talk science!"

"I'll be right down."Danny sighed out anf went downstairs to chat with Vlad. When he was out of earshot, Sam and pushed James on the bed and held a gun to his head.

"From now on you do not look at Danny in a sexual way..."I said while glaring at him.

" do not think of him in a sexual way..."

" do not touch of him in a sexual way..."

"... you don't talk to him in a sexual way..."

"And if you do... We'll kill you. Get it?"Sam and I said simultaneously

"Got it."he replied

"Good."we said again. We moved away from him and he sat up looking terrified and a few moments later Danny walked in, looked at James and then turned to Sam and I "What did you do?"

"Us!? We did nothing. Right James?"

"Y-y-yeah." he replied scared shitless. I smirked at that, he will never know and he will stay pure.

"Danté?" Danny asked surprising me to hell and back.

"They threatened James and told him not to do, say and think anything sexual to you." Sam and I glared at the damn traitor while Tucker and James look shocked as hell while Danny looked furious.

"How dare you! You have no right to control my sex life!"yelled not knowing that a figure appeared behind him.

"Wait what!? Sex!? Who's having sex!?"yelled the figure dressed in sweats. I smirked at him while Danny gasped and spun around.

"Big brother!"he yelled and and jumped onto our brother, hugging him tight .

"Hey there little raven, little flower Now, can someone tell me who is having sex."

"Danny is and he's having sex with him." I said pointing to James.

"Really? Well then nice to meet you I am Damian Jacob Fenton, but please call me DJ and I am their older brother." he said awfully kind.

"What?" everyone in the room yelled.

"What? It's not like he can get pregnant and besides I lost my virginity when I was fourteen so I don't mind as long as he doesn't hurt Danny, I won't torture him."

"Wow... um anyway I'm Dante Alexandra Manson I'm your sisters boyfriend, this is my sister Samantha Elisabeth Manson but call her Sam or else she will kill you, this is her boyfriend Tucker Foley and this is Danny's boyfriend James Tempus Clockwork."Danté said eyeing DJ skeptically.

"Please stop examining me and if you dare hurt my little flower in anyway I swear to lord all might I will tear off your balls and shove it so far down your throat, it will come out your ass. Am I understood?"

"Yeah..."TF he threatens Danté but not James?

"OK moving aside from the new Fenton that looks like he will murder Danté any second now can you leave? I need to study. I got a D- for my last biology paper and I need to get an A+ before my dad and papa kill me."said James holding up the book.

"Why don't you go to the zoo and do a report on the purple back gorilla and get extra credit."said Sam.

"That would be a great idea. We can all go."

"Can't go I have to sort out my new job."said Dj

"Job? What job?"I asked which made him smirk at me.


"Good morning class I am Mr. Fenton and I will be your new biology teacher."

"Oh that's his job."
Sorry for the late update but I got lazy and yeah... Anyway hope you enjoyed my lovelies and please forgive the crappiness. 😍😘(I ran out of ideas for this btw)

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